
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 1

Week 8

We read the story "Pumpkin Soup" by Helen Cooper and decided that we would like to make some ourselves. We wrote a shopping list and Mrs Reynolds brought in all the ingredients the next day. Mrs Pratt helped us to make it and it was delicious! We talked about where food comes from and how farmers provide us with lots of the foods that we eat. We looked at how farming used to be in the past and compared it to how it is today. It looked like it used to be lots of hard work!

We had a visit from PDSA who came to talk to us about caring for our pets. They brought in "Millie" who was a very friendly and patient dog and some of the children listened to her heart with the vet's stethoscope. She had a very fast heartbeat! They told us lots of interesting things and I am confident that they have inspired some of our children to become vets themselves🙂

On Wednesday we had our parents afternoon/evening. Thank you to all the parents in Class 1 who were able to make it. It really was a pleasure to speak to you all about your children- they really are a fantastic bunch!

Look out for our new online reading programme which will be coming soon!

Week 7

We have been talking about seasonal changes this week and looking for all the signs of Autumn. We love the colours of Autumn and have enjoyed our story this week called "Don't Hog the Hedge". We know about some of the animals in Autumn and how they are getting ready for their big winter sleep. Do you know what this is called?

In maths we have been doing addition using a part-part-whole model. We know songs which help us with this too- "On the bus" and "Farmer Pete".

In the construction area we have been writing signs if we want to keep our models for later.

On Friday it was our school welcome mass in church. We have been talking about how we make people feel welcome and we are going to be thinking about belonging. Do you belong to any clubs? Bring in a photo or something which you need or wear when you go to your club to talk about in class.

We had a great afternoon on Friday with our class 5 buddies. We read to our buddies and then they have been showing us how to use Codeapillar and the Codeapillar App on the iPads.

Week 6

It has been our "Health and Well-Being Week" this week and the children have gained lots of knowledge and taken part in many exciting activities and memorable experiences. On Monday we had visitors in school who talked to the children about road safety. On Tuesday the children took part in circuits during their PE session with Active Fusion, On Wednesday the children came to school wearing their well-being superhero masks, on Thursday we had our own "Ready, Steady, Cook" hosted by Mrs. Blakemore where the children got to try a healthy fruit salad and fruit smoothie then vote for their favourite then on Friday all the children did yoga! I hope that you enjoy looking at the photos and asking the children what they know about looking after themselves.

Week 5

We have had a wonderful trip to Wigfield Farm. All the children thoroughly enjoyed it despite the rain and we saw lots of different types of animal. It is going to be really interesting over the next few weeks to see how many facts the children remember and what new things we can find out about animals.

Week 4

We have been enjoying our areas of provision this week and have seen lots of children choosing to write and mark make. Some children have been making their own class registers some have made shopping lists, check lists and labels for cakes😃

"Dear Zoo" was our story this week and the children have been thinking of their own versions and painting their chosen animals. 

In maths we have been using the number blocks and looking at how each number can be made.

We have started our "Paws, claws and whiskers" topic and we are learning lots of new animal songs ready for our showcase later on in the term.

Week 3

In our PE lessons this week we have been thinking about how to keep fit and make healthy choices. Mr. Henry taught us a game where we scored a point if we chose a cone that represented a healthy snack but lost a point if we chose a pink cone which was candy floss!

We are enjoying our new reading area with our lovely new story chair where we can share stories together.

Class 1 have been making new friendships and trying to share and be kind to others always.

Week 2

It has been another busy week in Class 1. The children have all worked with Mrs Pratt to paint their very own self-portrait learning how to mix colours and talk about their hair colour, eye colour and how to think and look carefully before painting. We have had some lovely September sunshine and spent lots of time outdoors. Read, Write Inc lessons have been taking place daily and we have been making lots of words from the sounds that we know.

Week 1

Our first day in Class 1 has been wonderful! The children were all excited to explore both indoor and outdoor provision and meet lots of new friends. Everyone showed how kind they could be to others and it has been a super start to this brand new school year 😊

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in an ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.