
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer Term 2

Week 5

This week we have been learning all about Africa. We have created fact files about 'The Big Five', which are the top five wild animals that live in Africa. We also created African art using 2d shapes to make geometric patterns.


In RE, we learnt about the Sign of Peace and made friendship bracelets to give to our friends as a symbol of peace and friendship.


The highlight of this week though, was definitely our Parent Topic Session. It was lovely to see so many parents, grandparents, aunties etc. We had a fabulous time making minibeasts out of clay and then we used various materials to add lovely details like wings and eyes. We are very lucky to have such a creative bunch of children and carers!

Parent Topic Session - Clay Minibeasts

Week 4

We started this week by learning about the life-cycle of a plant. We had a go at planting some seeds and we wrote instructions to let others know how to plant seeds too. Now we have to remember the things that our seeds will need to help them grow and then we will to take our plants home and look after them during the big school holidays. We can't wait to find out what will grow from our seeds!


We have been using money this week in maths which is an important life skill. Some children do still struggle to recognise the coins so please support us at home by talking about the value of coins with your child and encourage them to pay for items and work out how much change they should expect. Otherwise we will have a generation of children who can only use Apple Pay!


We can never practise our times tables enough so here is another great game you can use at home. Educational games like this are a great way to use short amounts of screen time but please remember to check that your child is safe online at all times.

Planting Seeds

Week 3

This week we have had a big focus on having fun whilst learning our times tables in maths. We have enjoyed learning a song about the 3 x tables and we made 'times table fortune tellers' too! Check out the pictures of these on our school Facebook page. You will also have noticed that the children brought home some big clocks that we made to help us learn how to tell the time, so please help your child to practise this essential skill.


In RE we have been talking about why rules are important, and actually quite necessary in many situations, in order to keep us safe and happy. We thought about how it can sometimes be difficult to follow God's rules but we shared lots of examples and ideas about how we can be more like him.


We love all things fun here in Class 2 and especially fun people. So this week we were delighted to discover the brilliant Mr Thorne who has his very own YouTube channel to help children with their literacy skills and knowledge. Just follow the link below.


3 Times Tables - Have Fun Learning!

Week 2

We had a fantastic start to the week with a visit to Barnsley Civic Theatre to watch a musical performance of the book 'Giddy Goat'. We loved it so much that we decided to write letters to the musicians to thank them for inviting us to the theatre. We also suggested other books that we thought they could create a musical performance for.  


In maths, we have been doing some more work about the relationship between numbers and using our knowledge of number fact families to find missing numbers in number sentences. There is a great game to help us practise this, please click on the link below.

Week 1

Welcome back everybody! This year has flown by and as we enter this final half term it's time to think about transition to the next year group. Please encourage your child to line up at the classroom door each morning carrying everything they need, which they should then put away by themselves.


This week we have become authors of our very own non-fiction books about Minibeasts. This required a lot of research, making notes and planning. In maths, we have been creating Carroll Diagrams and using them to collect and discuss data. One of the criteria was deciding whether shapes had right angles, so we used right angle monsters to help us find the right angles!


We have started to learn how to sketch and, after much practise, we sketched some beautiful minibeasts.


Wriggle and Crawl Home Learning Ideas

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in an ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.