
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring 1

Week 3 WC 22/01/2024

In our science lesson this week we have started to learn about humans. This week we have been labelling body parts. Our Year 1s have been showing the Foundation children how to use their phonic knowledge to write labels for body parts.

We have been following instructions and played a game where they had to  give directions to a friend who was wearing a blindfold!  The instructions had to be very clear and the listening skills were amazing!

In History we have been learning about the way in which we travel has changed. We found out about 'The Wright Brothers' and how they designed, built and flew the first airplane.

Week 2 WC 15/01/2024

We have loved our class book this week- "The Extraordinary Gardener" by Sam Boughton. It is beautifully illustrated and the children decided that they would like to draw their own version of a beautiful garden. It looked wonderful and they all worked so well to create a joint masterpiece! We talked about how the little boy in the story-Joe, shared everything that he had grown with his neighbours and how it makes us happy to share and help others to feel happy tooheart 

In RE and in our collective worship this week we talked about Special People. We thought of so many people that are special to us including family, friends, people in school, shops, hospitals and other people who help us.

Week 1 WC 8/01/2024

Happy New Year! It has been a joy to see all the children this week and hear all about their Christmas holidays. 

Our story of the week has been "Supertato" by Sue Hendra. The children are now experts in retelling this story complete with actions and expressions!

In Maths we have been investigating numbers 11-20 and how we can make them in lots of different ways, use number lines, Numicon and Numberblocks to help.

In Science we started our new topic about animals. We have been sorting lots of different animals into groups: Birds. Fish. Reptiles. Amphibians. Mammals. Insects. We have been learning some animal songs to help us.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in an ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.