
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Autumn 2

Class 4 have been enjoying their PE sessions with Mr Johnson this term. They have learnt lots of new skills. We celebrated these skills by a class benchball tournament! Congratulations to the blue team who won!

The Great Reindeer Problem! Class 4 have been trying to solve the problem of one of Santa's reindeers appearing at St Michaels. Their hard work paid off and Rudolph is now safely reunited with Father Christmas just in time for the big day!

Celt and Roman day. We had a FANTASTIC time!

Mrs Donovan being attacked by the 7th Legion Roman Army!! (They didn't film the part where she regained control!)

Still image for this video

We have become researchers! Class 4 have been researching the change in music, fashion, transport and schooling since the 1900's.

We have been using skittles to help with our fractions! It worked and yes...we got to eat them at the end.

Class 4 have been learning to Jive - Strictly here we come!

In class 4 this half term we are creating our own character studies. The children have all been given an image of a person from the past. They don't know anything about this person, but with their amazing literacy skills we have been creating our very own stories about these people. We have thought about what job they might have done, what their family was like, their personalities and even their inner most emotions. Here are some of the characters we have been writing about:

Our chosen characters

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.