Week 5
This was Science week at Sacred Heart. We thought about the process of scientific investigation before carrying out our own. We started with the question, why do we have 2 eyes? To help us understand the importance of our eyes we used blindfolds to impair our vision before going for a walk. The children found this experience exciting and many of them tried really hard not to look under the blindfold. We then carried out different activities using one eye or the other.
After carrying out our experiment we concluded that our eyes are an exceptionally important part of our bodies and we need to take very good care of them!
Week 3
What an exciting week Class 2 have had! - I hope all you have had fun with exclamatory sentences.
This week Class 2 had a very special treat, as part of our Bounce topic, we looked at a special sports person. Adele Lassu is an international High Jumper from Barnsley, she was also one of the Olympic torch bearers for 2012. Adele came into school to talk to Class 2 about her athletics career, we had the honour of holding her Olympic torch which she brought with her for us to learn about. Did you know that each of the tiny holes in the torch represents one of the bearers of that torch? Adele has torch number 47, this is a number unique to her torch.
Week 2
Class 2 have been working on hard with Money this week, we have been practising ordering coins of different values, using coins to make different amounts and even had a go at giving change.
In Writing, we have been helping Mr Fox to create warning posters for other animals who may come across Boggis, Bunce and Bean.
In PE, Mr Johnstone has started working with us on our gymnastic skills. We have started looking at different ways of rolling and moving between different rolls.
Week 1
Class 2 have really enjoyed sharing our Christmas memories with each other this week. We have heard all about what exciting gifts the children received and how they have spent time with family and friends making memories.
This week in Class 2, we have continued our learning on Roald Dahls' Fantastic Mr Fox and have produced some wonderful art work that will compliment our writing. In Maths, we have been focussing our learning on the properties of 2D shapes. We were even given a very important job by Barnsley Police Officers, come back next to find out how we got on!