
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn 1

Week 8


This week, children have explored numerous non-fiction texts. Children have accessed VIPERS skills to study varying habitats, global warming and extreme weather


In Art this week, children designed and created their very own shadow puppets. These puppets were then used to create a puppet show, including children’s sock puppets from previous week.


In Literacy this week, children have tried very hard to include inverted commas within their newspaper articles. Children also evaluated their learning to identify areas of strength and areas of improvement for the future.


In Maths, children have continued to explore addition and subtraction this week. Year 3 children are exploring column addition and subtraction with three-digit numbers and Year 4 children are exploring the same concept with four digit numbers. Children have started to explore the method of exchanging and regrouping.


In Science this week, children have used their knowledge of magnets to create their very own magnetic game and share this experience with peers.


In History this week, children have focused on the growth of religion and beliefs through the ages. Children have also studied the role of druids within the Iron Age.


Well done Class 3, you have worked very hard this week as always!


Week 7


This week, children have finished reading and the Place Between in Guided Reading. This week, children explored how Leon felt after visiting the place between and how his friends and family felt when he finally returned.


In Art this week, children designed and created their very own animal puppets. These puppets were then used to create a puppet show, including children’s sock puppets from last week.


In Literacy this week, children have continued writing a newspaper article. Children have tried very hard to include inverted commas within their writing.


In Maths, children have continued to explore addition and subtraction this week. Year 3 children are exploring column addition and subtraction with three-digit numbers and Year 4 children are exploring the same concept with four digit numbers. Children have started to explore the method of exchanging and borrowing.


In Science this week, children have used their knowledge of magnets to create their very own magnetic game.


In PE this week, children explored the skill of stamina when exploring fitness. Children recorded how many star jumps, jumps and lunges they could achieve within 2 minutes. Afterwards, children tried their very best to beat their original score.


In History, children have explored settlements within the Iron Age. Children have learnt about round houses progressing to hillforts, along with all of the defensive measures that a hillfort had. 



Well done Class 3, you have worked very hard this week!

Week 6


This week, children have continued to explore Leon and the Place Between in Guided Reading. This week, children explored what other things lived inside the place between and considered if and how Leon might get back to his siblings at the circus.


In Art this week, children designed and created their very own sock puppets. Children had lots of fun exploring contrasting colours, felt textures and differing patterns.


In Literacy this week, children have completed a persuasive piece of writing advertising a Stone Age job. This has linked to our prior knowledge of the Stone Age in History. In addition to this, children have also started to explore the key features of a newspaper article.


In Maths, children have started to explore addition and subtraction this week. Year 3 children are exploring column addition and subtraction with three digit numbers and Year 4 children are exploring the same concept with four digit numbers.


In Science this week, children have explored magnetic materials around school. Children made a prediction of what items they thought would be magnetic, before investigating and exploring differing materials.



Well done Class 3, you have worked very hard this week!

Week 5


This week, children have continued to explore Leon and the Place Between in Guided Reading. This week, children learnt the boy that lives in the place between. Leon and the boy flew on a magic carpet, exploring what other things live there.


In Art this week, children have continued to plan and design the making of a puppet. Children explored the equipment and resources needed to make a sock puppet before designing their very own next week.


In Literacy this week, children have started to explore persuasive language. This is in preparation of next weeks task, creating a persuasive advertisement for a Stone Age job.


In Maths, children have continued to focus on place value this week. Year 3 children have learnt about the place value of a 3-digit number and Year 4 children explored the place value of a 4-digit number. Children have continued to use pictorial representations to order and compare differing numbers. Children will soon be progressing to addition and subtraction.


In Science this week, children have learnt about friction. Children have explored magnetic strength and magnetic poles. Children have used key vocabulary such as attract and repel.


In Spanish this week, children explored classroom instructions.


Well done Class 3, you have worked very hard this week!

Week 4


This week, children have continued to explore Leon and the Place Between in Guided Reading. This week, children learnt about the magician Adbul Kazam and developed further understanding of the ‘place between.’


In Art this week, children have started to plan and design the making of a puppet. Children explored the equipment and resources needed to make their puppet before designing their very own.


In Literacy this week, children have started to explore persuasive language. This is in preparation of next weeks task, creating a persuasive advertisement for a Stone Age house. This links with our History work as children have been learning about Stone Age settlements such as Skara Brae.


In Maths, children have continued to focus on place value this week. Year 3 children have learnt about the place value of a 3-digit number and Year 4 children explored the place value of a 4-digit number. Children have used pictorial representations to order and compare differing numbers.


In Science this week, children have learnt about friction. Children explored how toy cars moved on varying materials such as grass, wood, carpet and sand when released from a height.


In Spanish this week, children explored numbers 1-10.


Class 3 also had a wonderful time at Barnsley Museum on Tuesday, engaging in fun activities within our Stone Age workshop. Children created their very own cave paintings, became archaeologists and carved their very own arrow head out of soap.


Well done Class 3, you have worked very hard this week!

Week 3


This week, children have continued to explore Leon and the Place Between in Guided Reading. This week, children explored the skills of the tumbling jugglers and the mechanical animals. We used VIPERS skills to access a variety of comprehension questions.


In Art this week, children have developed observational skills. Children have studied stationary objects to such as teddies and soft toys before having a go at completing their very own sketch.


In Literacy this week, children have applied their understanding of writing in the past tense and first person, along with using ambitious word choices and inverted commas where applicable to write a diary entry.


In Maths, children have focused on place value this week. Year 3 children have learnt about the place value of a 3-digit number and Year 4 children explored the place value of a 4-digit number. Children have used pictorial representations and number lines to support their skills of ordering and comparing differing amounts.  


In Science this week, children have learnt about friction. Children used toy cars to explore how different surfaces and the amount of friction that they produce.


In PE this week, children have explored fitness and basketball. In fitness, children have learnt about muscles used during differing motion and exercise. In basketball, children have focused on the skill of dribbling.


Well done Class 3, you have worked very hard this week!


Have a fantastic weekend.

Week 2


This week, children have continued to explore Leon and the Place Between in Guided Reading. This week, children read about Leon and his brothers Tom, Pete and Little Mo as they visited a magic show.


In Art this week, children explored tint and shade. Class 3 added white or black to a chosen colour to see how this impacted the tint or shade (lightness or darkness) of a colour.


In Literacy this week, children have explored the use of personal pronouns, time conjunctions and inverted commas. These skills will be used next week to complete a diary entry.


In Maths, children have focused on place value this week. Year 3 children have learnt about the place value of a 3-digit number and Year 4 children explored the place value of a 4-digit number. Children have also counted in 100s and 1000s when ordering and comparing numbers on a number line.


In Science this week, children have learnt about forces and magnets. Within this unit, children have studied the forces of pull and push. Children have considered every day tasks in which these forces are used, such as opening a door, pulling a zip and pushing a swing.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!


Have a wonderful weekend.

Week 1


Well done Class 3 for settling in wonderfully to your new class and new routine this week. 


Children in Class 3 have enjoyed playing lots of fun activities together this week, such as football, basketball and engaging memory games. 


In addition to this, children have explored several different texts. In Guided Reading, children have made a prediction about the book 'Leon and the Place Between'. We have also identified and researched unfamiliar vocabulary from the text. 


In Literacy, children have predicted what they think the book 'UG: Boy Genius of the Stone Age' is going to be about. To further children's understanding, we explored a timeline of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. Class 3 also researched the duration of these time periods and how long ago they were. 


In Maths, Class 3 have learnt about area. Children now know that area explores the inside of a shape, using our squared paper to count the squares inside a given shape. 


In Art, children have studied our new unit of art and design skills. Children are excited to study the art work of varying artists and develop our skills further when making our very own puppets. 


Well done once again Class 3 for a fantastic first week! 

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.