
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Summer 2

Week 5 (WC 11.7.22)

Our final pieces of 'Keith Haring' inspired art work, don't they look amazing!

Week 4 (WC 4.7.22)

This week we have been working hard in design technology looking at ways to make a stable structure. We have designed and started making our photo frames which we will be completing next week. We also put on an amazing Ukulele concert which was enjoyed by everyone who attended, well done class 3! Click on the stars below to find out more.

Week 3 (WC 27.6.22)

Week 2 (20.6.22)

What a wonderful way end to our week! We had an amazing afternoon learning all about these fantastic birds of prey. 

Week 1 (WC 13.6.22)

Welcome back to school everyone, we hope you have had a lovely break! This week we have been developing our batting and catching skills in cricket. We have also begun reading a new book called ‘Tuesday’ by David Wiesner, which we will be using to write newspaper reports. In art we have been drawing action figures ready for our final art piece based on Keith Haring’s work. We also had a wonderful time yesterday creating 'art in shoeboxes' with our lovely parents, thank you so much for attending! 

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in an ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.