
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Autumn 1

Week 8

W.B 18.10.23

This week in R.E we  reenacted the  story we were learning about . In the story, the disciples tried to stop the children from getting close to Jesus. Jesus told them to let the children come to him.

We learnt some songs about  Jesus’ love and belonging to Jesus.


Week 7

W.B 11.10.21

This week  we created art using  some Autumn leaves we   collected from the field outside.

Autumn Art

Week 6

W.B 4.10.21

This week in Maths we were finding 1 less than a number. We used manipulative to help us understand how to find 1 less than a given number. In PSHE, we were exploring the theme about friendships. Our inquiry question was, “Can you have more than one friend?” We learnt and played games that can be played by more than two people and concluded that, yes, we can have more than one friend!

PSHE-Team Games

Week 5

W.B 27.9.21

This week in  our Maths lessons, year 1 children were learning to count backwards. We used ten frames to help us visualise it.

Reception were exploring the number 3 and were looking t different ways of representing 3.


Week 4

W.B 20.9.21

This week in ICT we talked about how to keep ourselves safe online. We practiced logging in and out of Purple Mash.We also created  our own avatars.

Maths Sorting and counting objects

Week 2

W.B 6.9.21

This week  our Reception children had their first full week in school!

Well done for being so brave. I am so proud of you all and our year one children have been exemplary too.  They have helped the brand new children settle in well. We also had our first P.E lesson. Apart from a few children  either going home in odd shoes or missing  an item of clothing, I’d say it went really well!🙂

Week 1 (2.9.21 &3.9.21)


Reception Children's Transition Week

This week we welcomed our new starters to our school. We are proud of how well the children are settling in. We spent the week getting to know each other and also meeting the other people who help us in school. The year 1 children have been fantastic as well. They have been showing the new children around and modelling positive behaviour. We are looking forward to making wonderful memories together this academic year.

My first Day

Settling in

Our first lunch in big school

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.