
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer 2

DT - Design and make a photo frame

Week 4 - Creating fossils using shells, Plaster of Paris and Playdoh

Week 2


Our current topic for the Summer term is Rocks.


Therefore, we took a trip to Magna in Sheffield to explore the hands-on experiences of Earth, Wind, Fire and Water to support our topic.


Children accessed the 4 different pavilions with over 100 interactive exhibits that helped facilitate their learning through investigation and play.  They watched ‘The Big Melt’ show and the ‘Face of steel’ that provided a historical journey to educate the children in the regions steel making heritage.  Children also took part the Volcano and Rocks workshop.


The workshop allowed children to investigate different rock types, use modelling clay, vinegar and baking soda to replicate a volcanic eruption, take core samples and test them.

magna out takes

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Week 1 - Summer 2


This week we are watching the short video of 'The ghosts of Pere Lachaise'.  as part of this we have created some short role plays of what it would be like to be in a cemetery at night and something unexpected happens.  

During Literacy we are looking at the film Avatar and looking particularly at the animals found there.  We have carried out independent research into hexapods in preparation to study Pandoran hexapods before designing our own and writing instructions on how to care for them.


Well done Class 4!

Role Play - In a cemetery at night, with friends when something unexpected happens...

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Role Play - In a cemetery at night, with friends when something unexpected happens...

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Role Play - In a cemetery at night, with friends when something unexpected happens...

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Role Play - In a cemetery at night, with friends when something unexpected happens...

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One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.