Week 6 - w/e 09.10.2020
Our Year 5 children had an amazing time on Bike Ability, learning how road safety on the playground before those with enough proficiency progressed onto local roads.
Week 5 - w/e Fri 02.10.2020
This week the children have been putting the final touches to their Anglo-Saxon diaries and what a fantastic job they've done!
Sport Stars
Amazing javelin throwing!
Week 4 Fri 25.09.2020
This week Class 4 have been learning about the Anglo-Saxon burial mount at Sutton Hoo. Have a look at the amazing drawings of the helmet.
Week 3- Fri 18.09.2020
P.E. and working on speed running and relays.
Week 2 - Fri 11.09.2020
Sport Stars of the week, a brilliant achievement. Well done to these two.