
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Week Beginning 08.02.2021

Good morning Nursery. This week is flying by and here we are at Thursday already! We are loving seeing so many gorgeous photos of you having fun during our well-being week and we are all most definitely feeling the loveheart Enjoy your learning todaysmiley
Hello everyone! It's Well-Being Wednesday and our activities this week have a Valentine's Day theme.  I hope you feel the love and have lots of fun. heart

Well it looks like it's going to be another freezing cold day today, so I hope you are all snuggled up warm and cosy.  In school we are really enjoying the story While We Can't Hug.  Did you enjoy it too?  We have made friendship bracelets and given them to our friends.  Today we will be following the video link to draw along with Polly Dunbar.  I can't wait to see which activity you all choose to complete today.  Stay safe and warm and send in your work via Purple Mash.  

A message from Mrs Blakemore

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.