
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 1

Week 7: Class 3 led our Welcome Mass and did a fantastic job!

Week 6: Class 3 completed their setting descriptions, focusing on creating suspense and tension for the reader. Take a look!

Week 5: St Michael's is Class of the Week! Dearne FM interviewed the class asking all about what we have been learning. You can hear them Monday to Friday next week at 8:20am! Class 3 have also finished their mini volcano projects. They labelled the features of a volcano, matched the descriptions and ordered how volcanoes are formed.

Week 4: This week Class 3 have begun a mini project as part of their topic on volcanoes. Over the next week, we will be looking at the features of a volcano, as well as how they are formed. We will then be researching different types of volcanoes as well. All this will lead into their D&T project later in the half term when they will be tasked to design and create a model using everything they have learnt.

Week 3: This week, Class 3 have dived into what will be needed to write a setting description that creates suspense and tension. Working as groups, they looked through different setting descriptions and picked out examples of the features. This is so we always understand how and why we are writing.

Week 2: We have had such a busy week this week. Here is a selection of pictures from our PE lesson on dribbling, Topic lesson drawing, describing and identifying different types of rocks, and our Maths lesson on Place Value, where we always use practical tools to help us to master skills.

Week 1: Welcome back everyone! What better way to kick start the new school year but with a rock hunt! Using some orienteering skills, Class 3 collected different rocks from the school grounds and brought them back to class where they created some descriptive sentences using adjectives. These rocks and words will be used in later science work.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.