
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Class 3

Welcome to Class 3! 


Welcome to Class 3. Our Class page will bring you weekly updates on the work we create in class, along with any important updates that you may need to know about. We hope you enjoy looking through all the fantastic pictures and videos for this year.


Recorder Online Resources


Below are some online resources to help with your recorder learning! 3C3olafrechFEIQNvARiBRRkfl&index=11




For the foreseeable future, homework will be set every 2 weeks on Purple Mash (Link above). Children will be given a piece of Literacy and Maths.


Alongside this, every week it is expected that children learn their spellings, read their school book and learn their Times Tables of Time Table Rock Stars.




Children are given reading books which are suited to their reading level each half-term. They are also given a class library book that is to be shared and read to by parents. These books are taken home each day and brought back each day.


I cannot stress enough to please make sure that books bags are brought to school and that you are reading with your child at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. It really does a make a difference, especially coming back after Lockdown.





PE will be alternating on a 2 week basis. We ask that children bring their PE kits on a Monday and take them home on a Friday. This ensures that if PE does change that week, children can still take part. If your child wears ear rings and is unable to take them out themselves, we ask parents not to send them to school in them. If for any reason a child has forgotten PE kit, they will be asked to take part in their uniform as it is an integral part of their health and well being.




Summer Term:


Our current topic is 'Rose Tinted Spectacles'. Class 3 will be studying works by artists David Hockney and Hundertwasser. We will be studying their styles and techniques to develop our own, leading to a final art piece  and exhibition. 


One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.