Welcome to Class 3
Class 3 is a mixed class of both year 3 and year 4 pupils. We are a busy class of eager learners and our classroom is always buzzing with new and exciting activities and challenges.
Class 3 staff team:
Miss Ashmore, Mrs Lemon, Mrs Wood and Mr Burns.
What does your child need every day?
Homework will go out every Wednesday and is expected to be returned on the following Monday. Homework will include times tables practice using TTRS, 20 minutes reading each day, a Literacy challenge and spellings.
Further information for parents and carers about topics covered each week will be shared weekly on our Class Newsletter.
Thank you for your support and please do not hesitate to call into class for a chat if you have any questions or concerns about your child.
Miss Ashmore
Long Term Plan
Throughout the year, Class 3 will explore and experience an array of texts, skills, investigations and research to further children's knowledge and understanding across the curriculum. The above document shares current planning information for the 2022/2023 academic year.
Medium Term Plan
Throughout this half term, children will explore VIPERS skills in Guided Reading when exploring the book Leon and the Place Between, along with exploring a range of punctuation, spelling and grammar when studying the text UG: Boy Genius of the Stone Age in Literacy.
In Maths, children will explore their knowledge and understanding of place value, roman numerals and addition and subtraction.
In Science, children will learn about forces and magnets, engaging in differing investigations and experiments to explore push and pull forces, learn about friction and magnetic strength.
In Religious Education, children will learn about the domestic church, exploring scripture, prayer and the knowing and loving of God, along with the importance of community.
In History, children will learn about the changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, focusing specifically on settlements, religion and beliefs.
In Art, children will explore art and design skills throughout this half term. Within this unit, children will use sketchbooks to design ideas, develop drawing skills and explore geometry, share and tint.
In ICT, children will learn about online safety and coding.
In PE, children will engage in fitness skills and basketball.
In Music, children will have an external music teacher to learn how to play the recorder, exploring rhythm, varying beats and differing notes.