Week Seven
What a wonderful week we have had, performing our Wriggly Nativity and sharing our final Advent liturgy.
Week Six
We have been getting to grips with using money and applying our calculation skills
Week Five
Advent Begins
The Family of Schools' Travelling Crib is with us, our cloths have changed and our Advent promises have been made.
Week Four
This week has been a week of mixtures.
We have investigated what happens when salt, sugar, oil and food colouring are added to water. The children were really good at talking about what they thought would happen.
This week has also been other faith week where the children have been learning all about the Jewish celebration of Shabbat.
Week Three
This week we have started our Muck, Mess and Mixtures topic.
We have been reading George's Marvellous Medicine and talking about different potion names. The children have been designing their very own potion bottles too.
The children have also been working on their division skills.
Week Two
This week we have been getting back to nature out in our school woodland area. The children have been collecting samples for an Autumn colour pallet which will help us to write some Autumn poetry.
Week One
What a great start to the week the children have been so busy already.
Here you can see them tackling multiplication problems and working on their coding skills.