Week 4
Week 3
Our next reading book is the 'Iron Man', we have been thinking about what questions we would like to ask him, hopefully we can get some answers next week.
Week 3
Our Narnia topic has now come to an end. The class has worked very hard creating their own Mystery and Adventure stories called 'Through the Wardrobe'. These have been bound into a beautiful book for everyone to enjoy for years to come.
Week 2
This week in PE we have started a new dance topic. The children have been combining the actions of James Bond to music, here are some of their moves.
Week 1
Welcome back and a Happy New Year to you all! What a great start to 2018 class 3 have made. This week we have been working hard preparing our first draft of our mystery and adventure stories. Well done class 3 for the wonderful Mass that you led on Thursday morning, so many wonderful comments were made from parents and teachers.