Welcome to our Class 5 page.
PE - Our PE Days are Monday and Thursday In Class 5 children should bring their PE kits on Monday and leave them in school until Friday in case we need to change our PE day.
Homework - Homework will go out every week on a Wednesday and will be returned the following Monday, in most cases this will include a piece of literacy, numeracy and spelling. This year we will have access to online spelling practice as well as maths practice linked to their work in class sent home most weeks. We also use Time Table Rock Stars in our class and should use this as regularly as possible in addition to weekly homework.
Literacy - We will be developing our reading and writing skills our guided reading will be focused on preperation for the reading SAT's.
Maths - Our topics in maths are alegbra, ratio and angles.
Geography - Our Geography focus this half term is looking at the Uk with a focus on Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Science- This term we are learning about animals and their habitats as well as evoloution an dinheritance and will be carrying out investigations and experiments during these topics.
RE - Our topics this term is death and new life. We will also be celebrating different feast days and learning about other religions.
D and T - Our focus this half term is food technology..
Computing - Our focus in computing will be on blogging and its uses in the world.
PE - In PE we will be learning about hockey.