
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring 2

Wk Bg 11.4.22



Our Easter Assembly- We finally got to perform infront of other children! We told the story of Easter Sunday and the day that Jesus was risen.We were amazing.

Still image for this video

Well done to our readers who were super brave in assembly!

Still image for this video

We had a lovely day completing lots of Easter activities.

We spent our well earned credits at the credit shop. There were lots of special treats to choose from!

Wk Bg 4.4.22

Year two children have started to practise their joined writing.

This week the year 1 children are starting their assessments. We will share with you their outcomes at parents evening this week.

Wk Bg 28.3.22

This week the Year 2 children will be taking part in assessment week where we will look closely at the progress made so far. We will share with you our findings at the parents evening next week.

Wk Bg 22.3.22

Dance and drama was all about the beach this week. Children used their bodies to create different shapes and scenes at the beach to music.

The children loved making cards for the special ladies in their lives for Mother's Day.

In ICT we used blocks of code to make simple computer programs.

Wk Bg 14.3.22

Where The Wild Things Are


We loved taking part in the drama workshop based on 'Where the Wild Things Are'. We used it to help with our story telling.

2 Times Table Song (Cover of Can't Stop The Feeling! By Justin Timberlake)

Multiplication Karaoke!!!!

Wk Bg 7.3.22

Don't forget PE is Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Tuesday is outdoor games with Mr Johnson and Wednesday is indoor Dance with Miss Ellie. Children will continue to come home in their outdoor kits on a Tuesday.


In Science we have been learning about life cycles. So far we have learnt about the human life cycle and the life cycle of a butterfly.

Week Beginning: 28.02.22

PE is Tuesday and Wednesday this half term. Tuesday is outdoor games with Mr Johnson and Wednesday is indoor Dance with Miss Ellie. Children will continue to come home in their outdoor kits on a Tuesday.

In dance we have been thinking about working together, we played games that developed our team work skills making sure we were doing the same action at the same time. We did some drama to show some actions we would do at the beach.

The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch

This week we have loved reading the Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch. Mr Grinling visited our class and told us all about what had happened with his lovely lunch. We wrote a diary as if we were Mr Grinling to describe what had happened each day.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.