
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer 1

Week beginning 24.05.2021

We have had fun with printing this week. We used natural materials which we found in our nature areas first and then printed with fruits and vegetables. Some of us made repeating patterns which looked good enough to use as wallpaper!

Week beginning 17.05.2021

On Monday Mrs Pratt brought in a caterpillar that she had found on a walk. We have put him into a special net and he has already built his cocoon. We are now waiting to see what will happen next..............

We have some brand new resources and a new water area in EYFS this week and we love it! Lots of mathematical language and scientific thinking has been demonstrated as the children have investigated the transfer of water in so many new ways.

In maths we have continued with odd and even numbers, counting in 2s and number bonds.

In Literacy we are reading "The Tiger who came for tea" by Judith Kerr. We have written shopping lists, made story maps and written invitations to ask the Tiger to come for tea in Class 1!

Week beginning 10.05.2021

This week it is the National Mental Health Awareness Week. In Class 1 we have been thinking about our feelings and emotions and how we can share our feelings with others. We used our Mood Monsters to explain our feelings and made some of our own smileysadfrownsurpriseangrycrying

In PE we are building up our basketball skills and are getting really good at throwing, bouncing and catching a ball.

Everyone has now completed there wonderful weaving with different coloured card and have been applying these skills to the outdoors too when weaving with natural materials. 

We have loved reading "The Gruffalo's Child". Follow the link below to watched the animated version.


Week beginning 3.05.21

This week we have been learning our doubles and looking at number bonds. In Literacy we started something new- "Helicopter Stories". This involves drama, story-telling and using our imagination. It was fabulous!

We have continues with our weaving and even started some sewing smiley

We have been discussing safety in the home and made some posters to remind us of some of the things we must remember to do or not to do in order to keep safe.

Week beginning 26.04.2021

We started a new skill in our Art topic this week- Weaving. We have made our own looms and found different ways to weave with different materials.

Our core story this week is "The Train Ride" by June Crebbin. Follow the link below to join in with the rhythmical, rhyming story.

On Friday we all took part in "England does the daily mile". We are going to try to do this as often as we can to keep our minds and bodies happy and healthy.

Week beginning 10.04.2021

On Monday Year 1 took part in "Bikeability". They were amazing! They learned so many skills on balance bikes- well done Year 1!

We were blessed with sunshine again this week so had PE outside and lots of fun outdoors. We created some more outstanding Land Art using nature. We have been counting to 100 and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. 

Our favourite counting song this week has been "The Ants go Marching".



Week beginning 12.04.2021

As we start our Summer Term we have been blessed with sunshine all week. This has been perfect for the start of our new topic "Nature is Art". We have been inspired by the artist Andy Goldsworthy who created masterpieces using only natural materials and the environment. We have begun creating some "Land Art" ourselves.

PE has been great fun outside with Mr Johnson and Mr Kynoch and we have spent lots of time in our outdoor area exploring and investigating. 

Our story is "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and we have been practicing our counting with fun number songs.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.