
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn 1

A very warm welcome!

Welcome parents, carers and children to Class 2!  We are very much looking forward to a new year and getting to know a new group of children, as well as growing with our existing class members.  We have some lovely topics planned this term and we will be sharing our learning here with you on a weekly basis.  Remember to keep an eye on our website to check on the wonderful moments your children share with us in their school life.

To gain a brief insight into all the wonderful learning that will be taking place in Class 2 this term, please click on our medium term plan below.

Class 2 Autumn 1 Medium Term Plan

Autumn 1, week 8, W/C 1/10/2024

Autumnal Art Printing

In art today, the children have enjoyed collecting leaves to make their own autumnal print.  We had some wonderful woodland scences and beautiful bonfires!



Science and the Seasons

In science, the children have been summarising everything they have learnt about the seasons in this half term.  We have some great knowledge about the seasonal weather and the changes to daylight hours across the year.

Autumn 1, week 7, w/c 14/09/24

Times Tables Rock Stars Day!

In literacy this week we have been learning all about action verbs. We learnt a new action song and learnt how to play verb charades. It was really fun acting out all of the verbs. Some of us even went a little deeper with our learning and gave different verb forms for our answers. We learnt how verbs change in the past tense.

In Ten Ten this week we revisited our learning 'We Belong' and added more information to our original sheets. We thought about what it means to belong in our community and why we are so special and unique. We linked this to God's Kingdom and we all could say that everyone is welcome!

Autumn 1, week 6, w/c 07/09/24


In Autumn 1, our focus in Literacy has been grammar.  This week, we have been learning about the different forms of the verb 'to be'.


In PE this week, we have been practising our balancing and movement skills by moving forwards by hopping and jumping.  We used hop-scotch to help us develop these fundamentals.

Autumn 1, week 5, w/c 30/9/24


In maths, we have learnt about using a systematic approach to finding number bonds.  We have used different manipulatives, such as flip counters, unifix cubes and rek en reks, to support our learning.  This has helped us to clearly see the correlation between the numbers decreasing by one on one side with the numbers increasing by one on the opposite side.


In Art this week, we have looked at colour mixing.  We have used black and white paint make different shades of grey to celebrate and represent

Black History Month.


This week in RE, the children learnt about the story of 'The Lost Sheep'.  We compared the lost and returned sheep with a person losing and regaining their faith.  They re-told the story using drama and performed in front of the class.

Autumn 1, week 4, w/c 23/09/24

In maths we have been comparing numbers looking at greater than, less than and equals to.

In history we studied portraits of King Henry VIII to tell us more about what he was like. We then created our own portraits of the King. We are very impressed with ourselves!

In between lessons our children have loved dancing with Danny. These brain breaks have allowed our children to get out all of their wiggles and reset their mind ready for learning.

"The Wiggle Dance!" 🪱 /// Danny Go! Brain Break Songs for Kids

Gotta get some wiggles out?? Then it's time to get up and dance! This high-energy song will have you dancing like a wiggly worm, jiggly Jell-O and more!

Don't forget this week we are holding our Macmillan coffee morning on Wednesday. The children are invited to come in their own clothes and parents are invited into our school hall for some delicious cakes! We hope to see you all their to help support a very important cause.

Autumn 1, week 3, w/c 16/09/24

Our PE day is Monday. Well done to everyone who remembered their PE kit this week! The children have been improving their running skills thinking about how different parts of their body can help them to run faster. The children also enjoyed some warm ups in the classroom before we went outside.

In literacy the children have been exploring captions in non-fiction books. They have been learning how they give us more information about pictures and photographs.

Autumn 1, week 2, w/c 09/09/24

Our School Mission Statement

Still image for this video
The Class 2 children have been learning our federation of schools' mission statement. They decided on actions to represent the words within it to help them remember our 'mantra'.

School Mission Statement

The children in class 2 have explored the meaning of the words within our mission statement and have represented these words with images.  We have discussed the values associated with the words within it and have decided that they are values worth believing in.

Maths - Exploring numbers 11-20

In maths, we have been exploring number.  On Friday, we looked at numbers 11-20 and represented them in different ways, using a range of equipment to help us understand the place value of these numbers.

In whole class writing, we have been learning about lists.  We have created some vertical lists using bullet points and horizontal lists in sentences using commas to separate our items.

Autumn 1, week 1 - w/c 02/09/2024


The Class 2 children have impressed their new teachers this week! smiley They have settled beautifully in to their new classroom environment and routines - they should be proud of themselves.    We have been practising our handwriting, labelling the Gingerbread Man, sorting by attributes and counting in maths, developing our sketchbook skills and much more.  The children have enjoyed getting to know their new school friends and exploring their new class room.  Photos to be added shortly.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.