
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Autumn 2

Week 6 beginning 9th December 2024

This week has been very busy in Class 2. We've performed our nativity, watched a pantomime and then today we have celebrated our Christingle service. 

We have talked about how the Christingle helps us to understand how Christians believe that Jesus is the light of the world.

We've also manage to fit in lots of shape work in maths, learning about the seas around the UK in Geography and lots more! 

One more week to go before we can enjoy the Christmas break. 

Week 5 beginning 2nd December 2024

What a busy week we have had! Apart from all our regular work in maths and English we have made windmills in DT, done our Elf run and had our dress rehearsal for the Nativity! 

Today we have been practising drawing 3D shapes with a ruler - tricky! 

Week 4 wb 25th November 2024

In maths, we have started our new topic about shape. We have thought about vocabulary such as sides, vertices, faces and edges to describe shapes. 

We have completed our Non-Chronological reports on Meadowhall and also been bust practising the music for our nativity. 

Week 3 beginning 18.11.24

This week we have been working on our Non-Chronological reports. We have learnt lots of information about Meadowhall and have written our reports. 

In maths we have practised comparing and ordering numbers, thinking about the value of both digits. 

We all enjoyed our Parents' Afternoon where we made pictures of the earth showing where the continents and oceans are. 

Week 2  Week beginning 11.11.24

In maths this week we have practised placing numbers on a number line and comparing numbers. We have also started a new topic in RE learning about the importance of Shabbat to the Jewish faith. 

In music we have started learning our songs for our Nativity next month. Very exciting!

Week 1   Week beginning 4.11.24

This week we have started learning about Non-Chronological Reports. We have learnt what some of the features are and read some different report. We have also started researching Meadowhall ready to write a report about it. 


In RE we have come to the end of our topic on Belonging, where we have explored have we know we belong to something and how baptism is the welcome into the church. Today we thought about the baptismal candle and how Jesus is the light of the world. 

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.