A guide to Home Learning
Your child would have been given a Home Learning book for any learning completed whilst you are off school. It can also be used as a diary for them to record any events they would like to look back on later. You can also send any photos of your home learning to this email address sthelens@federationcc.org.uk. We would love to see what you get up to while learning from home.
Look out for Home Learning Projects for both EYFS and Year 1s. New projects will be posted at the beginning of each week.
Reading and Writting at Home
The Oxford Owl website has some useful reading resources. You might need to register and get login details to get access a range of free resources. To access e books, on the home page, select Free eBook Library then select Browse the Library. I'd urge you to look for a familiar book first, check the level and start with books within that level before moving up.
Follow the link below and select the appropriate reading level for your child.
You can also follow the link below for more resources.
There are also some daily Read Write Inc lessons on https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ruth+miskin+training+videos as well as daily live streaming of P.E lessons by Joe at 9:00 a.m https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=pe+with+joe. Feel free to join in live or schedule them to suit your child's routines.
To help you get an idea of what to look for as you assess your child's reading or writting in Reception, follow the links below:
For those requiring more learning challenges, extra resources are available of Twinkl.
To access them, you will need to activate a free premium Twinkl membership following the link below:
The activation/offer code is UKTWINKLHELPS
Summer 2
W.B 13.07.2020
Hello Class 1 children and parents!
Wow, what a year we have had! Give yourselves a huge pat on the back for making it through what has been a very challenging year. We made it!
I just want to say a few things as this is my last opportunity to communicate with some of you before you move up to your new class in September.
Although our year together was cut shot, I just want to say how proud I am of all of you. We walked out of our Classroom on the 20th of March, to an uncertain world. Through the weeks and months that followed, as we overcame the different challenges we each faced, we grew. Our resourcefulness grew, our ability to reflect grew and as our resilience was challenged, it grew even more. As well as developing reading, counting and writing skills, we also grew in ways that can’t be measured by an end of year assessment. Some of you have become ‘bakers’,’ chefs’, ‘painters’, learnt to climb trees, looked after pets and grew in your ability to handle responsibilities while some learnt to ride bikes without stabilisers. I hope you will be able to look back and reflect on all that you have achieved and take time to celebrate every test you, with the support of your family have passed.
To those who are moving up to Class 2, I wish you all the best. Treasure all the happy memories we shared in the short time we were together. I intend to keep mine in a special place in my heart for this has been one very unique year. To those staying with me in September, I can’t wait to see your smiling faces again and make more happy memories together.
Enjoy your Summer holiday everyone!(from Friday of course)
Lots of love, virtual hugs and warm wishes
Mrs Murwisi
W.B 6.07.2020
Hello Class 1
I hope you are all okay. We enjoyed art week last week in school and we will be finishing off some of the work we started. We will also be looking at performance poetry as well as completing the Maths, Phonics and Literacy on Classroom secrets.
I would love to see you performing these two poems Gran can you rap by Jack Ousby and The Dragon who ate our school by Nick Tockzek or your own chosen poems. Send your videos to our school office and I will add them to our web page.
Once you have completed the work from Classroom Secrets and want more challenges, remember extra work is available on BBC Bitesize or Oak National Academy.
Continue wo work hard and stay safe
Love from
Mrs Murwisi
W.B 29.06.2020
Hello again Class 1
I hope you and your families are well and safe.
This week marks the beginning of Children’s Art Week. We will be looking at the work of famous artists starting with the work Vincent Van Gogh and George Seurat.
Extra art work can be found here: https://www.twinkl.co.uk/event/children-s-art-week-2020
For Maths and Literacy/Phonics, we are using Classroom Secrets home learning packs. There is a lesson for Maths and Literacy for every day of the week.
If your child is working through the set work quickly, extra free Learning Resources can be found on these websites:
BBCbitesize https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
Reception Maths https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/
Reception Science https://famly.co/blog/inspiration/10-eyfs-science-experiments/
For a list of other useful websites, have a look at the Home Learning homepage above.
Have a lovely week and share any extra learning you are doing. Last week I received a lovely postcard from Kia. It really made me smile and cheered me up. I hope looking at her lovely drawing will make you smile too.
Lots of love
Mrs Murwisi
W.B 22.06.2020
Hello Class 1!
I have really loved some of you back in school this week. I had not seen some of the children and adults since March so it was lovely to see them again, from a safe distance
This week we will be doing Week 8 work on Oak Academy.
Reception children will also be learning about celebrations. We will look at a Muslim celebration called Eid al-fitr. Year 1s can also have a go at the different craft activities.
Please follow the links below for more resources.
Keep working hard and emailing your work so we can share them on the website.
Lots of love
Mrs Murwisi
W.B 15.06.2020
Hello Class 1
I can’t wait to see you beautiful smiles again for those who will be coming back to school this week. I have really missed you and all the other adults who work in our school. I can’t wait to share my healthy hugs with you, I hope you have been practising yours too! For those of you who will not coming back yet, I am sending you my air hugs too!
From this week, our home learning will look a little different as there will be a more detailed weekly schedule to guide you to the daily activities. As well Oak Academy, Optional, additional worksheets will be added for use by children in school and by those who will continuing with home learning. This week's Year 1 extra worksheets can be found on Class 2's page underneath the Year 1's weekly schedule.
Continue to stay safe Class 1.
Lots of hugs
Mrs Murwisi
W.B 8.06.2020
Hello again Class 1
I hope you are feeling refreshed after having a two week break from school work. Since the weather has not been so great last week, we have spent most of it at home.
This week, we will be following Week 6 (W.B 1.6.2020) activities on Oak National Academy as we are working a week behind other schools due to our different holiday pattern.
Reception children will be learning how to practise "healthy hugs". You will also learning about Space and on Friday, you will be creating food art.
Year 1s will be learning about effective hand washing. In Literacy you will learn about rhyming words and onomatopoeia words then write your own poems. You will also be making Lockdown Time Capsules. I can’t wait to see some of the work you’d have completed. Please remember to ask you adults to email me some of your photographs for our web page.
For Extra Maths activities visit the White Rose website at : https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ and
I am really excited and looking forward to seeing some of you next week. I am practising my healthy hugs, ready to greet some of you again after a very long time.
Continue to do your best for your families and stay safe.
Lots of love and healthy hugs
Mrs Murwisi xx
W.B 25.5.2020
Hello Class 1!
Even though you have not been in school, I know most of you have been doing some school work every day. Well done for that Class 1! I would like to encourage you to take a proper break from school work and enjoy spending time with your families during what would have been our half term! I will be back to post more work after half term break. I am also looking forward to speaking to you over the phone again after the half term when I am in school.
Stay safe everyone
Lots of love
Mrs Murwisi
W.B 18.5.2020
Hello again Class 1
I hope you have manged to spend a bit more time exploring outdoors following the government's revised quarantine guidelines. This weekend, I finally managed to convince my daughter who has not left the house since the lockdown started, to join us on a long walk. She enjoyed it so much, she intends to join us again next time. If you have been on a walk recently, and found out something new about an area, please share your photos and tell us a bit of information about what you found out.
I have attached some science experiments for you to carry out this week as well as week 5's daily lessons from the Oak Academy.
Continue to stay safe till we see each other again.
Lots of love and hugs
Mrs Murwisi xx
W.B 11.05.2020
Hello Class 1
I hope you are continuing to stay safe and doing your best to cope. I hope you are trying your best to listen to your adults as they do their best to teach you from home.
This week I am looking forward to speaking to you on the phone to find out how you are all doing. I would also love to hear all about your V.E Day celebrations. If you have any photos to share, please ask the adults to email them to the school office address and I will share them here for all your friends to see.
For your home Learning, please complete the Week 4 lessons on Oak Academy. Extra resources are also available on the Twinkl website.
Follow the links below for the lesson plans.
Stay safe everyone
Lots of Love
Mrs Murwisi
W.B 4. 5. 2020
Hello again Class 1
I hope you have managed to do some fun things even though the weather has not been very friendly. We managed to go on a few walks but I was missing the warm weather. I have also enjoyed doing art activities with Mrs Newell and Mrs Guest. Last week, Miss Read and her team started the Aquarium project with one of our year 4 students and we enjoyed seeing it finished.
This week I would like you to complete Week 3 lesson plans on the Oak National Academy website:
Go on Find Lessons, select Schedule then select the lesson plans for your year group.
It is also VE Day on the 8th of May. Follow the link below and have fun learning all about this special day.
I hope you will share some of your work by emailing it to us using this address
This week I recieved photos of a little helper who has been very busy lending a helping hand by doing the following:
What a super helper she is!
Have a lovely week and continue to stay safe
Lots of love
Mrs Murwisi
W.C 27.04.2020
Hello Class 1 and your families
I hope you have been having lots of fun learning outdoors. When I was in school this week, we went on the big field and I was so happy to see some children from our school out on a walk with their mum. Unfortunately we could not get too close to them due to government guidelines but it still made our day (Mrs Newell and I).
I hope you are taking some pictures of some of the activities you are doing and I hope you can share them with us on our school Facebook page or when we see each other again. Thank you Esmae's mum for sharing some of the work Esmae is doing at home. Well done Esmae for completing the jigsaw independently.
This week I have added a new tab for P.E where you will find resources created by Mr Johnson and his team. You can also complete some lessons from the government website link below:
Simply click on your year group, select Week 2 and follow the instructions.
Have a go at some of the activities and stay active and safe everyone
Lots of love and "air hugs"
Mrs Murwisi
W.B 20.04.2020
Hello again Class 1!
I hope you enjoyed celebrating Easter. The more I thought about the activities we would have done together, the more I missed you. I hope you are recording some of activities in some way so we can share these memories when we see each other again.
Please follow the links below for this week's suggested activities. The Government has also launched a website today with 3 lessons for each day. Year 1s, this week, I would like you to look at the Foundation lesson 1- What is a continent?
Continue to stay safe and positive.
Lots of love and hugs
Mrs Murwisi
W.B 13.04.2020
Hello and Happy Easter to you all Class 1!!
I hope you are enjoying the warm sunshine and taking part in some lovely Easter activities both indoors and out doors.
As you all know, sunny days are my favourite days, I am spending most of the day in my garden with my family.
Remember, if you would like me to see some of the fun activities you are doing at home, you can ask your parents or carers to share these on our School Facebook page. I have enjoyed looking at your Easter egg designs
I would love to see more pictures of what else you have been up to while learning from home.
For more learning activities and ideas, follow the appropriate links below.
Remember to keep learning fun and treasure the time you are having with your families. Make happy memories!
Lots of love and hugs
Mrs Murwisi
W.B 6.04.2020
Hello again Class 1! I am really missing you all. Thank you to all those who have sent emails letting me know how you are all doing. Reading all your messages and finding out about everything you are doing while learning at home really cheers me up. Continue to be good to your families stay safe.
Here are the Learning projects for this week and some extra ideas for things you can do indoors.
W.B 30.3.2020
I hope you are all well and safe.
This week in our R.E lessons, we would have looked at the Easter story. There are a lot of resources available on Twinkl that will help the teaching of the Easter story. Please have a look at these and have fun completing some of the activities that are available to support your teaching. You could also use egg cartons to re-tell the story (see instructions document) below. The egg carton storytelling game can also be used for any other stories.
The learning projects have got more learning ideas to cover other areas of learning. For a more structured timetable, visit the Twinkl website where you will find a daily pack of activities. See the Twinkl login details below to access this resource.
W.B 16.03.20
Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s
This week in class we are looking at counting in 2s,5s and 10s. We also used money to help us count (2,5 and 10 pence coins). For each lesson open the links where you will find PowerPoints and resources related to each lesson.
Lesson 1(counting in 2s)
Lesson 2 (counting in 5s)
Lesson 3(counting in 10s)
TTR https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth
Please spend 20 minutes every day learning your times tables. We are just focusing on 2s,5s and 10s.
Consolidation Work
Here is a link to some work we have also been consolidating this week.
Counting songs YouTube Links
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCxvNtrcDIs Counting in 2s
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amxVL9KUmq8 counting in 5s
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7stosHbZZZg&list=RD7stosHbZZZg&start_radio=1 counting in 10s
Phonics support
Please use the home learning resources packs sent home to support Phonics learning.
Aim to read 20 minutes each day; don’t forget to sign your reading record each time you read.
Topic Home learning/Homework
Click on the link under Homework and pick one thing to do from the list.