
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 1

Week 7

Wow! What a busy, fun filled half term! Well done to the children for being little superstars, for coming back to school after such a long time off, adapting to all the new changes in school so well, trying hard with their school work, washing their hands numerous times each day always with a smile and taking it all in their stride. We are all very proud of our Wise Owls!!! We hope you have a well deserved rest over the holidays! Please keep yourselves safe and healthy!!


Here are a few pictures to show you what we have been up to this week...


We read the story 'There was an old dragon who swallowed a knight' this week. We ordered the events in the story and discussed the rhyming words. We then made up our own amazing poems! We compared it to 'There was an old woman who swallowed a fly'.


We had fun in music finding the pulse of the song and being creative. We chose different animals and actions to recreate the pulse. We listened to South African music and talked about what we could hear.

In our PHSE lesson we looked at how peoples behaviours can change if they are feeling unhappy. We talked about what we could do in this situation, what to look out for and who to talk to.

In our Computing lesson this week, we learnt the SMART rules for staying safe online.

Week 6

E-safety Discussion - How to keep personal details safe.

Making fortune tellers for multiples of 10.

Week 5

Don't forget this Wednesday your new homework on Purple Mash will be ready to complete. You have one week to submit your work. Well done everyone who tried hard with their last online homework.


In Literacy we have been learning all about Bernard the Bearded Dragon from Wigfield Farm in Barnsley. We looked at his habitat, what he likes to eat and drink, how to take care of him and even what he likes to do for fun. We will be using this information to write some instructions. Have a look at the powerpoint below to see Bernard.

Wigfield Farm have a website, facebook page and even a Tik Tok account whilst they are closed. Take a look at all the other animals on the farm with a grown up.


Remember children should not have their own Facebook and Tik Tok accounts due to age restrictions and should always have an adult present when viewing media on these platforms.


Remember to follow e-safety rules to ensure using the internet is a positive experience.

Magnificent Monarchs - Analysing Royal Portraits

Week 4

We took part in the 'BIG Anti-bullying Assembly 2020' this week. Celebrities taught us about different types of bullying and how it makes people feel. We made a pledge to put a stop to bullying. We designed support networks on our handprints. This helped us to see who we can tell if we or somebody we know are getting bullied. 

The Big Anti-Bullying Assembly 2020

Watch with us as over a million students across the UK come together for The Big Anti-Bullying Assembly 2020.

Literacy- Role playing the story Knights and Dragons Unite to prepare for writing our own stories.

Forming numbers correctly, making 2digit numbers thinking about tens and ones, ipads-tt rockstars

Week 3

This week we have been reading Knights and Dragons Unite and thinking about the characters in the story and their unlikely friendship. We started to write sentences to describe the dragon thinking about capital letters, full stops and sounding out our spellings. We answered questions about the story to check our understanding and then sequenced pictures of the story. We were very impressed with the children's memory as they could all order the pictures correctly! 


In Maths we have been improving our counting skills and spotting missing numbers. Some of us have been counting in 1s and some of us in 10s. We used 100 squares and bead strings to help us. We were thinking of ways to describe numbers using vocabulary such as greater than, less than, equals to, in between, smaller and larger.


Knights and Dragons, Unite | Twinkl Originals Children's Book Reading

Today's story is 'Knights and Dragons, Unite!' What special talent would you perform at the talent show?

Let's Get Fit | Count to 100 | Count to 100 Song | Counting to 100 | Jack Hartmann

Teach your children to count to 100 as they get some great exercise too. This cool kid-friendly song starts out with a message about staying healthy and fit ...

Health Related Exercise - Understanding the effects of exercise on our bodies.

Monet Masterpieces - Oil pastel and watercolour resist

Non-uniform day for Macmillan

Week 2 - Creative Week!

The Story of a Masterpiece

This week in school, we have been sharing stories which have made us realise that there could be so much more to a painting, a drawing, a printing or a piece of architecture than just what we can see with our eyes.

Our Class have been sharing a book called 'Where is the Frog?'

The story is about Antoinette, a frog who learns that a famous artist called Claude Monet is searching for beautiful flowers to paint. She is determined to get in the picture but once the portrait is painted, it disappears - perhaps forever! The story has beautiful illustrations that recall Monet's paintings of the pond near his home in Giverny. As we have followed Antoinette's antics on a summer evening in France, we have enjoyed learning all about the lily pond, the painter, the light, and the beauty of Monet's world.


We then had lots of fun using a wide range of different media and art techniques to create our own masterpieces, making links to the work of Claude Monet. A lot of Monet's paintings of the lily pond were actually much taller than him! So we decided to create our own large-scale version of this masterpiece and we hid in it, like Antoinette, by creating the bridge out of children! Creative Week has been a lot of fun!

Stippling - A technique often used by artists to create a textured effect. We used it to create texture and colour on lily pads.

Using shape and form - Tissue paper flowers for the lily pads.

Layering and blending colours and media to create impressionistic art. Our version of 'The Lily Pads' by Claude Monet. Large scale art on a concrete canvas!

Week 1

The Seasons

Have you started to notice that the amount of time it is light each day is getting shorter? Have you turned the heating on at home yet?

As part of our learning this week, we did a mini science topic all about the seasons and autumn in particular. We learnt that there are 12 months in the year and 4 seasons. We observed and described the changes we see across the 4 seasons, including the weather, and we became 'change detectives' when we went on a walk around our beautiful school grounds looking for signs of autumn. We each chose a favourite leaf that we found on our walk and then did a leaf study, which really helped to develop our observational skills. Perhaps you could talk about any signs of autumn that you see on your journey to school each day?


The children really enjoyed this clip about signs of autumn.

Months of the Year

Do you know the months of the year? Can you read, write and order them too?

In Literacy we read the story 'The Dot' by Peter Reynolds. This inspiring book reminds children that anything is possible, even when they think they are not very good at something. The main Character Vashti struggles with art work but when her teacher says 'make a mark and see where it takes you' the possibilities were endless. The children created their own dot pictures which developed into art work of their own. The whole week went a little bit 'dotty' then filled with dot to dots, dotty mindfulness pictures, cotton bud dot paintings and even braille name writing!


Our dot art inspired by the book 'The Dot' by Peter Reynolds

The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds | Read aloud Book for kids

Snugglebug story time with Sarah. I hope you enjoy this read-along with your family. Vashti believes that she cannot draw, but her art teacher's encouragemen...

The Dot Song Motions Guide - Emily Arrow & Peter H. Reynolds

Welcome Back! ...


Welcome Back Everyone!

What a fantastic start we’ve had getting to know each other through games, quizzes, drawing and writing filled with lots of smiles and laughter! It has been an absolute pleasure to welcome the children back, meet new friends and start our learning journey for the year!

The main focus was to make the children feel happy and content in our new class bubble, thinking of ways we can make sure everyone feels wonderful every day. What better way to do this than sharing the lovely story book, ‘Have you filled your bucket today?’. It builds upon the idea that we all carry around an invisible bucket to hold your good thoughts and good feelings about yourself. A full bucket means that you’re happy; an empty bucket signifies sadness. Discussing the differences between filling the bucket and emptying one, the book reminds children that taking from someone else’s bucket won’t help to fill their own, these are bucket dippers,  while helping other people to fill their buckets will fill their own in turn, these are bucket fillers.

We spent the afternoon designing our very own buckets to fill with happiness. We thought of ways we can become a bucket filling classroom. The children came up with lots of ideas to fill their own and other peoples buckets such as , giving complements to each other, being kind, sharing, a simple smile, asking children to join in with games, saying please and thank you, making someone laugh and much more. We also talked about bucket dippers and how that can make people feel if we are unkind.

Each day we will talk about bucket fillers and bucket dippers to help create a happy, kind classroom where everyone feels valued.

Why not try this at home? Every family member could make a bucket and practise the art of being a bucket filler at home too!

Below is a link to the story so that you can share it togther at home.

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

In Class 2 we are Wise Owls and we make wise choices!

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.