
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Spring 2

Week 4

w.b: 29.03.2021


We have made the most of the sunny weather this week and have been outside practicing our tennis skills! We had a great time and have developed our “ready position” and are building up our skills!

In class we have been looking at the different states of water, the water cycle and how we can see the results of evaporation, this involved some accurate measuring!

You can find our last supper assembly on our school Facebook page. 
Have a WONDERFUL Easter break, see you soon. 

Week 3

w.b: 22.03.2021

This week we have started our new book in guided reading, we have looked at and identified features on the front cover. Once we had done this we made our predictions of what we think is going to happen in this book. 
In computing this week, we have continued our work on spreadsheets, we can now Iocate cells using coordinates. We used this skill to create a key for a friend which made a picture. 

Week 2

wb: 15th March 2021


This week we celebrated other faiths week, with our focus being Islam. We focused on the Islamic holy book, The Qu’ran. In class 4, we looked at how the Qu’ran is treated and designed our own cover. We learned about how the Qu’ran is written in Arabic and that is it’s read from right to left. We also looked at the 99names of Allah and what some of these meant.

Week 1

w.b: 08.03.2021

Welcome back Class 4!

It has been wonderful to see everyone’s faces this week, we have had a great, busy week in class, getting used to being back in class, refreshing our memories! And creating some beautiful Mother’s Day cards - enjoy !!


One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.