W/B: Monday 29th March 2021
Week 4
This Tuesday Choose-Day, Class 2 chose to complete some outdoor learning and we used our senses to complete a sensory scavenger hunt.
We found things using our sense of touch that were rough and smooth.
We smelt things like flowers and identified smells we like with our noses.
We used our sense of sight to look at a variety of things.
We thought about our sense of taste and found things a human could eat on our school grounds and we identified items that animals could eat.
We also listened to the sound of birds and identified soft sounds.
This Monday, Class 2 did a fantastic job starting our class assemblies for Holy Week. We completed an assembly on Palm Sunday in which we shared readings, bidding prayers, songs and dramas.
Well done Class 2 on a fantastic assembly!
W/B: Monday 22nd March 2021
Week 3
This Tuesday Choose-Day, Class 2 made Easter Wreaths and they looked beautiful.
We have completed some assessments this week and Class 2 have all shown they are brave, ready to learn and face new challenges.
Well done to everyone on your very hard work this week! Get ready for our wonderful Palm Sunday assembly on Monday with Class 1
W/B: Monday 15th March 2021
Week 2
This week, Class 2 have continued to focus on our story The Great Wave and everyone has done so well creating a story map, making actions to retell our story with and then, we have completed our own sentence work.
This Friday, we also created our own questions to ask the character of Naoki, the boy from the sea, and we hot-seated a child in our class who took on this role and answered our questions!
Well done on another fantastic week of learning Class 2,
Have a wonderful weekend
W/B: Monday 8th March 2021
Week 1 Back to School
Welcome back Class 2!
It is so lovely that all of Class 2 are now back together and we can complete our learning in person, once again. Well done to everyone in our class for a wonderful first week back, full of lots of lovely smiling faces and hard-workers.
This week, we have completed lots of mixed questions and arithmetic work then we concluded our Shape topic in Maths.
Class 2 have engaged with our text 'The Great Wave' very well in Literacy and Reading, recalling the story using actions and pictures then, applying our understanding to some VIPER reading questions.
In the afternoons, the children greatly enjoyed making a Mother's Day Card, our first Tuesday Choose-Day when we created collages of 'The Great Wave'.
The children have shown great skill at throwing and catching in PE. We have also started our new topic in Come and See of Thanksgiving.
Well done Class 2 on your super work. What superstars you are!