
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn 2

We have had a busy few weeks in Nursery. Last week we had our Nativity and we were amazing! The children performed very well and it was fantastic to see so many people come and watch what the children had created! This week we have had Christmas jumper day and party day! We have been dancing, singing and playing games.


Merry Christmas! 

This week we have been rehearsing for our Nativity next week! We are also getting into the Christmas spirit by singing some Christmas songs. We are making salt dough decorations that we will be decorating next week. 
This week we have been investigating how to make dirty pennies shiny. Miss Olive showed us an experiment using salt and vinegar to make a penny shiny. Then we had a go ourselves using Ketchup and Cola. We had to find out which one made our pennies turn the shiniest. 
This week in Nursery we have continued to learn about shiny things! We learnt all about animals that glow on Monday. Then on Tuesday we talked about the Super Moon! From that we looked at some special rocks that were all different colours. Some were sparkly, some were shiny. We made our own rocks from clay. We used tools to put patterns on our rocks, used our hands to make it the shape we wanted and let it dry over night. The next day we painted them with shiny paint and added glitter! They look brilliant! Well done Nursery! 
This week in Nursery we have been reading the story 'How to Catch a Star' by Oliver Jeffers. We have watched the animation and talked about what happens in the story. During our play we have been exploring shiny things, including GLITTER! We have been mark making in our glitter trays and experiencing the sensory aspects of putting glitter on ours hands and watching it sparkle. We loved getting our hands wet and then putting our hands in the glitter! 
Welcome back to our Nursery page after half term! This week we have been talking about bonfire night and we have started our Topic: 'Is it shiny?'. We have been making our own rockets to make links with bonfire night and our topic work. We will be making sure we add lots of sparkles and glitter to them once the paint has dried! 
One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.