W/B: Monday 5th February 2024
Week 5
This Tuesday, Class 2 invited in our parents and carer to help us complete our Formal Elements of Art topic by creating 3D colour drawings of the solar system.
Well done to Class 2 on your beautiful artwork and thank you to all parents and carers for attending our parents afternoon and helping the children to create their artwork!
Class 2 have had a brilliant final week at school.
Have a lovely rest over the half-term holidays!
W/B: Monday 29th January 2024
Week 4
This Thursday, St Helen's focused on British Values. Class 2 learned about The Rule of Law.
We discussed rules we have at school, home and then, moved onto British laws.
Class 2 then sorted cards into consequences of breaking a rule and consequences of breaking a law.
Well done Class 2 on your hard work this lesson and this week!
W/B: Monday 22nd January 2024
Week 3
This Wednesday, Class 2 gathered together to complete a collective worship that children in our class had planned. We gathered with a song and listened to a passage from the Bible read by members of our class. We then, dropped a pebble into water whilst remembering the words from the passage then we were given a mission to go away and complete following Jesus' teaching of love.
Well done Class 2 on the respect you showed this week!
W/B: Monday 15th January 2024
Week 2
This Tuesday afternoon, Class 2 had a fantastic Art session in which we explored texture.
The children learnt how to take a rubbing using paper and oil pastels and then, explored our classroom surroundings, taking rubbings of items with different textures to create patterns.
Well done Class 2 on your hard work and effort this week in your Art session and other lessons!
W/B: Monday 8th January 2024
Week 1
This week, it has been lovely to see that Class 2 have come back to school full of energy and enthusiasm after a well-deserved rest and enjoyable Christmas holiday!
We have started many new topics including multiplication and division in Maths, writing a non-chronological report in writing, The Great Fire of London in History and Formal Elements of Art.
We started our Great Fire of London work with a lesson about what happened and how the fire spread, we ordered the events that happened on 2nd September 1666 and then looked at Samuel Pepys' diary entries to answer a variety of questions on the events that occurred.
In Art we completed a lesson on Repeating Pattern in which we used a variety of objects and bright paints on black card to create a captivating artwork.
Well done Class 2 on making a wonderful start to Spring 1 Term!