Week 7
W/B: 11.04.22
This Monday, Class 2 presented our Palm Sunday Assembly to our parents and carers with the help of Class 1 to sing our Easter songs.
Everyone did a fantastic job at reading and performing part of the Easter story, performing a drama of Jesus and a modern day superstar, reading bidding prayers, prayers and singing.
Well done Class 2 on introducing St Helens to our Holy Week with a wonderful Palm Sunday assembly!
Week 6
W/B: 04.04.22
This Monday, Class 2 had a fantastic PE session with our Active Fusion teachers in which they developed their throwing and catching skills further.
Well done Class 2 on a developing your skills in PE and for working very hard this week.
We have been practising for our Palm Sunday Assembly and can't wait to welcome our school, parents and carers to come and watch us on Monday afternoon.
See you then!
Week 5
W/B: 28.03.22
On Monday 28th March, Class 2 took part in a session of class worship. We created headbands with Jesus on to remind us to live in the light of Jesus; our own Jesus headtorches.
Class 2 sang hymns together, took part in prayer and listened to a reading of Jesus as the Light of the World.
We discussed how we can live in the light of Jesus and walked away from our session hoping we can follow Jesus' example and be close to him this Lent.
Week 4
W/B: 21.03.22
This week, Class 2 completed an important craft on Friday for a special family member on Mother's Day.
We made a mirror with a drawing of our family member and these mirrors said:
Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who is the best mum of them all?
Well done Class 2 on creating beautiful artwork for a family member this week!
Week 3
W/B: 14.03.22
This Friday, Class 2 conducted a Science investigation focusing on the topic of Sound. We explored the question: How does the distance from the sound source affect the volume of the sound?
We used a sound source (iPad) to play a sound.
We recorded observations every 10 steps in the direction moving away from the sound source.
To make the experiment a fair test:
The sound source stayed in the same place on the playground, playing the same sound at the same volume.
Only one variable was changed: The distance from the sound source.
Class 2 found out that the further the distance from a sound source the quieter the sound.
Well done Class 2 Scientists on your fantastic investigation work!
Week 2
W/B: 07.03.22
Well done to all of the children in Class 2 that got our Golden Book certificates for their excellent behaviour in school!
On Thursday, we remembered, celebrated and responded to our Come and See topic of Special People; people who are there to help,
help us on Sunday in church and special people from the Bible.
We celebrated the Good News of Jesus and read a reading from the Bible about Jesus in the temple. We sang a 'He's got the whole world in his hands' and we created our own special people to take home; people that help in Church or from the Bible.
Well done on a wonderful Come and See lesson Class 2!
Week 1
W/B: 28.02.22
Welcome back to everyone in Class 2 after our half-term break!
We have had a wonderful week and it included World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March 2022. The children came to school dressed as their favourite character from a book. The brought their book into school and had the opportunity to read it in class.
Class 2 acted as their character or described the story they were in to the class and we guessed the book. We completed a worksheet on our favourite character, created bookmarks together and learnt more about the author our class novel is by, Roald Dahl, completing a comprehension on some of his books.
We really developed our love of reading together this World Book Day
Well done on a fantastic week back at school Class 2!