
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Class 2

Dear Visitors,


We'd like to warmly welcome you to our Class 2 Page.


On this page, you will find information and photographs about lots of different activities we will be doing this school year and, you will see us flourish as learners and individuals during our time at St Helen's School.


Our Autumn 1 Term History topic is…

The Great Plague: 

What was the Plague and what was it’s impact on London?


Our Autumn 2 Term Geography topic is…

Towns & coastal regions -  Examine human and physical features of coastal regions.


Our Spring 1 Term History topic is…

The Great Fire of London

What caused the Great Fire of London? What impact did it have on London? How do we know about the events of this time period?


Our Spring 2 Term Geography topic is…

Towns & coastal regions - What are the features of a town?


Our Summer 1 Term History topic is…

How has London changed over time?

Compare London at 3 different points in time


Our Summer 2 Term History/Geography topic is…

Local History and Fieldwork


History Enquiry Questions:

How has London changed over time? What has influenced this?


Geography Enquiry Question: 

Do we have a duty to care for our planet? How can we do this?


Scroll down to see Class 2 reminders and take a look at the appropriate star (First term – Autumn 1) below to see our recent classwork.


We have lots to learn and enjoy this term and we will look forward to updating you on our school work very soon!



Miss Garratt (Class Teacher), Mrs Newell (HLTA) and Mrs Wood (TA)

Class 2 Reminders


Please make sure you bring your school bag everyday with your reading books, reading journal and spelling journal. Also, please bring a water bottle to stay hydrated!


Please make sure you write your child’s name in all of their school clothes as it is very hard to find lost items when they have no name on.


Reading in Class 2


In Class 2, we complete much reading in our Read Write Inc (RWInc) groups and we also complete a class guided reading session.


We aim to develop our children’s love of reading in class.


In RWInc, we are in different groups based on our knowledge of sounds. In these groups, we learn a new sound, complete sentence work and read a book daily which is phonetically decodable (the children can sound words out). The book we have read in class will be sent home after many reads until we know it off by heart and love reading the text with confidence and expression. Class 2 will also be sent home with a RWInc Book Bag book at the level they have been assessed which has not been read in school.


The children will also get the opportunity to take a book of their choice from the library. This could be read by the child or could be the opportunity to experience a higher-level text read by an adult.


In class, we will work as a whole class in additional guided reading sessions to solve VIPERS (vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval, and sequencing questions) on our class text.


Reading books will be changed every week when the children have read a further RWInc text and it is ready to be taken home alongside their RWInc Book Bag book.


Please make sure you read daily at home!

If you read three times a week and it is written in your reading journal, you will get 10 credits on our reward chart.




Homework will be sent on Wednesday and it is to be handed in by Monday.

Every week there will be a Writing Task and Maths Task.


Our PE Lessons 


PE session will be on Monday PM with Miss Garratt.

Please make sure your PE kit is in school on Monday.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in an ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.