Week 5
This week we carried out our "Big Birdwatch" with our Class 5 buddies. We managed to spot quite a lot of birds and were able to identify what kind they were. The children have all taken home a spotter sheet to carry out their own bird watch with their grown ups in their garden.
Our story this week has been "The Little Red Hen". We are hoping to make our own bread next week! Who will help me??
Week 4
This week we heard the story of when Jesus was presented at the temple. Simeon and Anna had waited their whole life for this. They said that Jesus is the light of the world. We talked about what a special time it is when a new baby is taken to church and we thank God. It used to be tradition for parents to take their new baby to church after leaving the hospital before taking them home.
We have been thinking about the school virtue- 'Faith' and what this means to us. We have Faith that God loves us and is always there for us.
Week 3
The Gingerbread Man was our class story this week and we have been sequencing pictures to help us to re-tell the story to the class.
In Science we have been looking at and naming different parts of a plant.
In RHE we talked about our feelings and different emotions. We worked in pairs and tried to guess the emotion and draw a picture. It was quite tricky but fun to do! we talked about what things made us feel sad/happy/worried/shocked/angry and how we could help each other or ask for help if we needed it.
Week 2
It has been an extremely busy week with lots of exciting things happening! In Science we have planted daffodil bulbs, we are growing cress from seeds in the classroom and we have made our bird feeders. We also started our new History topic- "What was school like long ago?" and have set up a Victorian-style classroom role-play. We have been learning some new poems from Poetry Basket and have performed them in groups.
Week 1
Happy New Year!
The children have all been excited to be back in school and have coped remarkably well with a week indoors (due to snow and ice!)
We are reading Traditional stories this term and have begun with "Goldilocks and the 3 Bears". We are learning how to use our voices to make story-telling more enjoyable
In Art this week we looked at work by a Brazillian artist called Beatriz Milhazes who creates abstract art using bright colours and shapes to create paintings and collages. We practised our cutting skills and designed our own pieces of abstract art using only coloured circles.