
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring Term 1

Week 6

This week we started our new topic I am warrior! We looked at the book Escape to Pompeii and identified expanded noun phrases to write a detailed setting description. We watched the animated film Gladiators of Rome as an extra treat and wow moment to start off our topic. We thoroughly enjoyed it and didn't want it to end! We discussed what the Roman people looked like, how they dressed and what their homes looked like. Some of us decided we would like to meet a gladiator in real life!


We took full advantage of the sunny weather and went outside for PE while we could. We enjoyed creating team games and improving our social skills. 


In ICT we explored the online learning platform Purple Mash and all the exciting educational programs we could use both at home and school. 

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Week 5

We have enjoyed taking part in national safer internet day this week. We looked at different problems we might come across if we use digital devices that connect to the internet and social media. We discussed what we should do in different situations to keep safe and ensure we are using technology responsibly. We made pledges to say how we promise to help make the internet a better place.


We have been editing and improving the sections of our information leaflets in Literacy. We used our literacy learning wall to help us remember how to make our leaflet more interesting. We are excited to illustrate them and present our finished products.


We are excited to share our class assembly for our topic predator …… come back to see more pictures this weekend!



Week 4

This week we have been working very hard in Maths. We have been playing maths games to help us with our eight times tables. We have been concentrating on drawing number arrays and number lines to solve unknown multiplication problems. In our pairs we have been trying to improve our team work skills. We have really enjoyed taking part in maths karaoke singing our eight times table to a famous chart topping song.


We had a super ending to the week! We were lucky enough to meet our local MP, Mr John Healey. We wrote to him during our British Values week because we had lots of questions we wanted to find the answers to. He very kindly visited Class 3 with a student from Sheffield Hallam University. Olivia was training to become an MP and talked about how she was on the Youth Parliament when she was younger. Both of them answered all our questions about their job roles and about their lives. We were left feeling very inspired for the future and lots of children said they would like to make changes to our community by becoming a future MP!


Week 3

This week we have been looking at the features of information leaflets. We created posters in small groups identifying all the different things we could see when looking at a range if leaflets. We then presented our findings to the class.


We have been continuing with our four times table karaoke songs which we are becoming very confident in. We have been looking at strategies to solve problems as well as identifying  related number facts


The children have been working extremley hard to earn extra credits! Their work and behaviour is improving as a result! Well done Class 3!

Week 2

In Literacy we finalised our haiku poems and presented them in best on some art work of our chosen animal. We really enjoyed sharing our poems with each other and was proud of our finished pieces.


In art we have used chalks and pastels to create abstract pictures of different animals.


In Science we have been learning new topic vocabulary such as carnivores, omnivores, herbivores, producers, consumers, predator and prey. We have been using these words to label food chains. We have been identifying a range of food chains by looking at food webs. We didn't realise that humans can be included in the food chain too!

Week 1

Welcome back, I hope that you have all had an amazing Christmas break with your families. It was lovely to hear about the holidays and all the nice things the children did.


We have had a great first week back. In Literacy we have been learning about Japanese haiku poems. These poems have three lines; with five syllables on the first line, seven on the second and five on the last line. The children have enjoyed clapping the syllables out in the poem and some even used a musical instrument to help them. Next week we will be creating our own haiku poems using predator animals as our inspiration.


In Maths we have been problem solving with multiples of three and trying to improve  our mental Maths scores.


Gymnastics is our new focus in PE. We have been learning different balances and how to improve them with a partner.


Reggae music was the focus in recorders this week learning how to play freely to a rhythm. We had lots of fun listening to the music from Jamaica. 



One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.