
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring 1

Week 5


This week our core story book is one of our all time favourites.  "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle.  If you don't have the story at home you could watch the animated version by clicking the link below. 

After listening to the story we talked about the life cycle and had a go at completing a jigsaw to show the life cycle.  It was lots of fun!


In Maths this week we are learning all about 2D shapes.  We have identified circle, triangle, rectangle and square shapes and were being shape detectives around the classroom and outside.  What shapes can you find in your house?  

On Tuesday we learnt about the Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year) by listening to stories about the animals and finding out all about how people prepare for the big celebration.  We had lots of fun drawing our own dragons and doing a dragon dance. 

On Friday we participated in the NSPCC Number Day.  The children were invited to wear non-uniform and wear a number if possible.  Throughout the morning we had lots fun completing different maths activities.  We played a dice challenge and developed our subtilising skills.  We played numbered skittles where we had to say which numbers  we had knocked over and Mrs Blakemore set up a shape hunt in the classroom. We found all of the shapes in some crazy places! We counted objects and matched them to the correct numeral.  We used the iPads to explore the Numberblocks app.  Outside we played giant dominoes and collected natural objects to create numbers.  

Week 4


This week we have continued to think about our families.  We read the story “My Funny Family” by Mike Byrne.  After the story we enjoyed sharing stories about our own families and the funny things our family members like to do. We we have continued to shared our lovely family photographs and these are now on display in our classroom for us all to see.  


When end we went outside we used the chalks to make a picture of all the people in our family.  It was lots of fun and we were very good at drawing circles and adding the features of our bodies to our pictures.  

Week 3

This week we have been learning a little about Winter.  We went on a winter walk and found different signs of winter.  We found frost on the ground, frozen water in the pond and the grass was very crispy from the frost.  The trees we bare and the leaves were covered in frost on the ground.  We made a trail with our feet on the grass. 


As we learn more about each other we started to talk about our families.  We talked about members of our family and some of us enjoyed sharing photographs of our families.  Please send in your family photographs to the school email address.  

Week 2


This week we have been getting to know our new friends more by talking about ourselves.  We met Oscar, the very nosey bear, during circle time and he asked us lots of questions about what we like to do at home and our favourite things.  


In maths this we have been practising counting in order and have been trying really hard to count the correct amount of objects in a set.  We had fun, playing skittles and we counted how many we had knocked over and how many were still standing.  

Welcome back everyone! It has been a wonderful week welcoming back all the children, especially our new starters.  We have played lots of games to help us to get to know each other’s names and the things we like.  It has been very busy in the provision with lots of fun and laughter.  We have helped our new children settle into the routines of the morning.  They have been brilliant at sorting out their belongings and washing their hands on arrival. We have been posting our names into our feeling tubs.  We have made sure that even the children who were not feeling happy on arrival have had fun and enjoyed their time enough to move themselves into a more positive feeling tub. 


This week the children have been very creative when playing with the cars.  They have built different ramps for the cars to move down and enjoyed experimenting with making the cars go faster.  We have some very artistic superheroes and lots of pictures and paintings have been created.  


It has been very chilly in the outside provision so we have wrapped up warm with our hats and gloves. We have built with the Lego and enjoyed creating our own obstacle courses. 


In our collective worship we have thought about belonging to God.  We have sung songs to praise God and made a promise to care for each other.  

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.