Welcome to Nursery
Myself and Mrs Pratt would like to welcome you all to Nursery. We are always here to help you and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask either of us.
Each morning we welcome your child at the door. They will need to sort their personal belongings independently. Please help them by reminding them to hang their coats up and put their drinks bottle in the box. After washing their hands your child will self register by posting their name and photograph into the box. The children then join their friends on the carpet and enjoy listening to and joining in with Nursery Rhymes.
On starting school your child will be provided with a book bag and reading diary. Every Monday morning we help your child select a book that they would like to take home and share with you. If you would like to change your book again later on in the week please ask.
On a Tuesday morning your child will take part in PE. We do not need a PE kit at this stage. For PE we remove our shoes and socks as well as our jumpers and cardigans. Please encourage your child to be independent at home with these things as this will make them more confident when asked to do it at school. Please remove all jewellery before school on PE days.
WATER BOTTLES - your child needs a water bottle in school everyday. please make sure that water bottles only contain water.
We are very fortunate to have a vast outside area and therefore we enjoy outside exploration whatever the weather. We would therefore ask you to ensure your child has a pair of wellies with them everyday. Nursery will provide your child with a waterproof overcoat and trousers for wet weather conditions.
Please call in for a chat if you require any support with your child's home learning. Remember we love to hear all about their achievements outside of school and would encourage them to bring in their medals, trophies and certificates to share with us. We have "WOW moment" slips for you to record their personal achievements with us. If you would like to share any special moments please email the school office and this will be past on and celebrated in class. We also love to share and celebrate these special moments in our Golden Book assembly every Friday.