
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Spring 2

Week 7

W.B 3.4.23

This week in R.H.E , we were learning about how to be good friends who are forgiving. We had a Teddy Bear Picnic to demonstrate what positive friendships look like.

We also enjoyed various Easter based activities and crafts.

R.H.E. Teddy Bear Picnic : Forever Friends


Week 6

W.B 27.3.23

This week Class1 worked very hard to complete some assessments. It was lovely to get a chance to relax  and enjoy a bit of sunshine at the end of the week.

A little break from assessments

Week 5

W.B 20.3.23

This week we enjoyed learning some basic Martial Arts moves. We finished the week  with a Parents  Assembly where we showed parents  some of the learning that has happened in our class so far.

Class 1 Parent Assembly

Week 4

W.B 13.3.23

This week in R.E we were learning about the Easter story. We made Easter gardens to help us remember that Jesus died on Good Friday.

R.E Easter Gardens

Week 3

W.B 6.3.23

This week in DT we were learning about to differentiate between fruits and vegetables. We were also reading Elmer books this week and invited parents into school to help us make  milk carton Elmer models.

D.T : Identifying Fruits and Vegetables

Week 2

W.B 27.2.23

This week we celebrated our love for books by dressing up as our favourite book characters for World Book Day.

We also had a visit for ‘Moose’, a Newfoundland dog and had an opportunity to read to him.

Week 1

W.B 20.2.23

We have had a good start to this half term. We celebrated Shrove Tuesday by making pancakes and having pancake races. We are looking forward to making more wonderful memories together.

Shrove Tuesday

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.