
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Spring 1 - The Viking and Anglo Saxon Struggle for Britain

Week Ending 10th February


Other Cultures Day

On Friday we spent the day celebrating other cultures. In class 4 we looked learnt all about Italy. We learnt about where it was, some of it's famous residents, different historical landmarks and the food they ate. We had a great time. 


Weekending 3rd February


Today in PE class 4 were practicing problem solving skills and working as a team while trying to move the bean bags to the other side on the hoop grid, without breaking the rules. 


Week ending Friday 27th January 2023


Art & Design - Architecture

In art this week, Class 4 learned how to print. They traced their drawing of a house onto a polystyrene sheet before rolling the ink all over it. They then pressed paper on top to make a print.

Week ending Fri 13th January 2023

What an exciting week and what a brilliant introduction to The Vikings, our new history topic. On Tuesday the children saw a Viking village and longship during a VR experience.

On Wednesday, the children dressed up as Vikings and looked AMAZING! We had an actor/expert in role as Wayland the Viking.


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How the Vikings made fire...

20220111 Viking St Helens EDITED HB 24mb.mp4

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One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.