
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Autumn 2

Week 6 (WC 6.12.21) 

This week we have been very busy making arts and crafts for Christmas. We have also been thinking about people who may be alone over Christmas and we have made these beautiful cards which Morisons will be distributing over the next few days.

Week 5 (WC 29.11.21)

This Week we have been thinking all about  "Advent".  Advent means “arrival” or “coming,” and we will be thinking and remembering why Jesus came at Christmas.


We have also made Christingle candles. Each part of the Christingle candle has a special meaning:


  • The orange represents the world
  • The red ribbon is for the love and blood of Christ
  • The dried fruit represent the four seasons
  • The lit candle represents Jesus’s light in the world

Week 4 (WC 22.11.21)

Week 3 (WC 15.11.21)

This week we have completed our Celtic brooches, the detail and work that has gone into them is amazing, well done! In literacy we have begun a new writing unit about instructions. In class we have been trying to follow verbal instructions. We also had a lovely afternoon of Friday celebrating Children in Need. 

Children in Need

Celtic Brooches

Following Instructions

Week 2 (WC 8.11.21)

In History we have been very busy designing and creating Celtic Brooches. In RE this week we have been looking at other faiths. We have learnt about Judaism and the Sacred book for Jewish people 'The Torah' . We have  also learnt about the traditions of the Bar Mitzvah. Have a look at our creations below. Well done class 3!

Our Poppy Art 

Week 1 (WC 5.11.21)

This week we have been learning all about 'Hillforts' and 'Roundhouses'. We learnt what life was like living in an Iron Age Hillfort and we read about the life of an Iron Age girl called 'Brenna'. Then we drew some sketches of a roundhouse using the text. 

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.