Week 6
This week has been other cultures week in school and Class 5 have been learning all about the fantastic and wonderful country of Ireland. We have looked at the story of St. Patrick, The legend of Finn MacCool and the Giants causeway as well as looking at the two national sports of Ireland Gaelic football and Hurling.
We have completed some excellent watercolours of the Giants Causeway from both perspectives looking at the sea view and the mountain view.
Week 5
Class 5 have had our class assembly this week. We have put together all the work we have completed this year and spoke with our parents about all the work we have been proud of. The children have put on an amazing assembly and we want to thank all parents, grandparents and careers for their attendance.
Week 4
Class 5 have been been practicing our Gymnastics in class this week. We have had the apparatus out and been working on team balances as well as looking at our tension and extension in our stretches.
Week 3
Class 5 have been having a debate this week. We have been preparing for a balanced argument on "Should children be chipped?2. We have practiced our debating skills and asking and answering tough questions in class and debated "Whether school uniforms should be banned".
Week 1
The whole school had a fantastic treat during their first week back when the pantomime came to school. Some of Class 5 were unsure if they would enjoy it and unsure if they were too old for pantomines but in the end loved in and sung and danced along and took part just like the rest of the school.