
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 1

Week 7


We made it!


Class 3 have worked incredibly hard this week completing baseline assessments, they have shown great resilience and perseverance.


In Maths this week, we have continued our work on subtracting 2, 3- and 4-digit numbers. We are learning new methods of subtraction and progressively developing our understanding as a class.


In History this week, the children have explored wealth and power in the Bronze Age. The children have learnt what types of metal were discovered during this time, what a tribe chief is and many conflicts that arise during this time period, such as fighting, stealing and jealousy.


In Science this week, the children continued exploring our sound module. The children studied vibrations and how we hear sound differently through varying vibrations.


In PE, the children learnt about different muscle groups linking to health-related exercise. The children used their abs, biceps, quads and deltoids during circuit training and had lots of fun!


I would like to thank all parents that came to our parent’s evening last week. I thoroughly enjoyed speaking to you all about how your child has settled in and how they are progressing in their work.


Have a well-earned school holiday everyone! Please keep safe. I look forward to seeing you all again after the holidays!

Week 6


Class 3 have worked very hard this week!


In Literacy this week, the children have used preposition to strengthen their arguments whilst engaging in a debate. The children have also studied postcard features and written postcards to our Stone Age characters within our current class story, Stone Age Boy.


In Guided Reading this week, the children analysed character descriptions to create an illustration. This task encouraged the children to recognise the importance of description and how each child can interpret key information differently.


In Maths, the children have been developing their skills of addition by adding 3- and 4-digit numbers. Some children used base ten resources to physically make the numbers before adding. The children worked hard to develop their fluency in this area.


In History this week, the children have ventured into the Bronze Age and made some fantastic observations through the ages! The children have started to compare time periods and revised our definitions of time.


In Science, the children have started looking at sound and exploring sound sources. The children completed a sound map and a sound survey to help describe and explain a variation of sound sources.

Week 5


What a busy week we have had!


In Guided Reading this week, we continued to explore our class book Danny the Champion of the World. The children have used partner talk to discuss whether Danny has been making the right choices throughout chapter 7. We used our debating skills to support this.


In Literacy, the children have completed a short drama piece and narrative to share the key information retrieved from our class story Stone Age Boy this week.


In Maths, the children have been continuing their place value work. As a class, we have looked at rounding two, three- and four-digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. The children have used prior place value knowledge to support their rounding progression.

We have also been looking at Roman Numerals.


In Science, the children have continued with our current light module. This week, the children have explored changing shadows. The children worked very hard to identify opaque objects and recognise patterns when investigating how shadows change size.


In Art, the children have created their very own cave paintings inspired by the original cave art discovered in Spain and France many years ago.


In ICT we have been exploring coding on purple mash.

Roman Numerals

We listened to this song to help us with roman numerals. Try singing it with the actions at home.

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

I shared this story with the children during a discussion about playground behaviour and being kind.

Week 4


The children have been planning their 'develop' stage of the Literacy unit. They have completed and edited a setting description influenced by Stone Age Boy.


In Maths the children have been linking their multiples of 5 to count in 50s! They have worked really hard to develop this fluency and have started looking at counting in 25s too.


In History this week the children have been looking at Stone Age travel through the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic periods.


In ICT we have been using Purple Mash to familiarise ourselves with coding. This week, the children explored the software and learnt how to complete a flowchart sequence.


In PE, the children have focused on health-related exercise (HRE). This week they completed a circuit exercise, experiencing varying forms of exercise such as jumping, throwing, running and stretching.

Week 3


What a week! The children have been extremely busy this week and have been adapting well to life in key stage 2.


In Guided Reading this week, we continued to explore our class book Danny the Champion of the World. The children have made predictions about the characteristics of Danny’s father as we discovered he visits the woods to poach pheasants.


In Literacy, the children have been developing their writing by studying the structure of a newspaper article and completing their very own article about a rare Stone Age artefact.


In Maths, the children have been continuing their place value work. As a class, we have looked at the place value of 3 and 4 digit numbers and finding 1, 10, 100 and 1000 more or less than a given number. The children have been comparing and ordering numbers using prior place value knowledge to help.


In Science this week, the children have continued with the current module of light and focused on identifying reflective materials. We tested materials in groups to find out what materials were the most and least reflective.

Week 2


The children have had another great week at school!


In Maths the children partitioned 3 and 4 digit numbers and could confidently share the value of each number. I was very impressed with their place value knowledge.


In Literacy the children are continuing to read The Stone Age Boy. The children have completed a diary entry this week and have started retrieving information in preparation for our informative articles, linking closely to our current History time period.


In Art this week the children have completed a project inspired by the famous French artist Henri Matisse. The children have made colourful collages and studied still life art.


In Guided Reading, the children have loved reading Danny the Champion of the World. This week the children found out that Danny does not go to school, but instead helps his father work in their garage. As a class, we held a debate to decide whether Danny should go to school or stay at home with his father.

Week 1


Welcome Back!


What a week! The children have been extremely busy this week and have been adapting well to life in key stage 2.


In Guided Reading we explored our new class book, Danny the Champion of the World and the children predicted what the book would be about by looking at the front cover and the blurb. They then worked with partners to read chapter 1 and 2 together.


In Literacy the children have been developing their writing by looking at impressive adjectives to recreate and improve sentences from the book Stone Age Boy. The children then worked together to improve sentence structures.


 In Maths the children have revisited number recognition and started looking at place value. They have been writing numbers in words and numerals, followed by using their place value knowledge to support ordering and comparison tasks.


 For early work the children have been practising their times tables through supported Times Table Rock Stars resources.


In Science this week, the children have focused on the importance of light and how darkness is simply an absence of light. The children had lots of fun experiencing a sensory activity.


In History this week, to launch into the Stone Age, the children completed an archaeological dig to discover artefacts from our current time period.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.