
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn 2

Week 7

On Monday afternoon the whole school were invited to watch 'Jilly Rogers' Christmas Adventure' performance, which took place at Goldthorpe Pentecostal Community Church. We had a fantastic afternoon and all the children thoroughly enjoyed it! We loved the actors from "4FrontTheatre" and are so very grateful for the invite. The performance was  sponsored by Dearne Churches Together.

Christmas Movie Night

Week 6

Well Christmas has been in full swing this week with discos and performances galore! We were invited to watch Nursery's Nativity dress rehearsal which was absolutely superb! We enjoyed watching our younger friends perform like little superstarsheart At the disco we danced our socks off and still had enough energy to perform our Nativity on Friday. It was a world class performance and the children made me so proud.

Week 5

We started our week with a trip to the Library. The children found out how the library works and how to borrow books. We had some stories and sang some stories then all chose a book to bring back to school.

We have trimmed up the classroom for Christmas and talked about how we have begun the time of Advent.

The children are all working amazingly hard rehearsing our Nativity ready to perform for you next week.


Week 4

We had a fantastic Parent Afternoon this week with The Tiger Who Came for Tea! The children loved having their grown ups in to share the fun and got involved in lots of activities including: Making Tiger Headbands, Playdough Tiger Faces, Tiger collage, Tiger biscuits, Tiger Threading and eating Tiger snacks!

Week 3

On Monday we wore odd socks for Odd Socks Day and talked about how we can all be friends and celebrate our differences.

This week has been World Nursery Rhyme Week. We have joined together with our nursery children each day to sing the rhyme of the day. Follow the links below and sing along!

Year 1 have been designing and assembling their windmills in DT. They are so proud of their structures.

Week 2

We visited The Lyceum theatre in Sheffield this week to watch a live performance of "The Tiger Who Came to Tea". It was amazing! It was such a delight to watch the children's faces as they watched with such excitement! It will hopefully be a very special memory for them allheart We will be following up by having a parent session for you all to enjoy some Tiger-themed activities very soon. 

Week 1

This week we have loved reading and acting out the story "We're Going on a Bear Hunt" by Michael Rosen which is one of my all- time favourites! Watch Michael Rosen himself perform the story and join in (follow link below).

In Maths we have started a unit on subtraction and how to break numbers apart and count how many are left.

We have been finding out what an address is and trying to learn them.

We have found out all about Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot and why we have Bonfire Night. We also talked about how to keep safe this weekend.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.