Supporting Home Learning for Pupils Unable to Attend School
Pupils will complete Remote Learning if they are self-isolating at home, if their school bubble closes, or if there is a local or national lockdown which means that school is not open to all pupils.
Teachers are aiming to provide children in their bubble (both pupils learning from home and in school), with daily work that requires the following amount of time to be spent on it:
Children in EYFS (FS2) - 1-3 hours of learning
Children in Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) - 3 hours of learning
Children in Key Stage 2 (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6) - 4 hours of learning
The DfE has stated: When teaching pupils remotely, we expect schools to:
* set assignments so that pupils have meaningful and ambitious work each day in a number of subjects.
* set work that is of equivalent length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school.
* provide frequent, clear explanations of new content, delivered by a teacher or through high-quality curriculum resources or videos.
* have systems for checking, at least weekly, whether pupils are engaging with their work, and inform parents immediately where engagement is a concern.
* gauge how well pupils are progressing through the curriculum using questions and other suitable tasks, and provide feedback, at least weekly, using digitally facilitated or whole-class feedback where appropriate.
* enable teachers to adjust the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to questions or assessments, including, where necessary, revising material or simplifying explanations to ensure pupils' understanding.
* have watched/read the content of resources from external agencies to ensure they are appropriate and meet the needs of the pupils before uploading them.
Our Remote Learning Leader in school is Mrs Wray, Head of School.
Our Governor responsible for Remote Learning is Mrs Marren, Chair of Governors.
We use Purple Mash as the platform for our remote learning provision. A range of tasks and activities will support pupil learning and progress. All pupils in school have an individual log in for Purple Mash. Pupils regularly use Purple Mash in school. Class teachers will set work for all pupils each day on Purple Mash.
How long should it take my child to complete their work each day?
We expect that remote learning will mirror the timetable for a usual school day as closely as possible. It is expected that Key Stage 1 pupils will access at least three hours of learning per day, with Key Stage 2 pupils accessing four hours per day. Class teachers will provide daily learning, however, pupils can choose to complete their work in any order. It is important that pupils remember to have regular brain breaks throughout the day.
There are some useful documents below which will help parents and pupils establish good home learning routines and also some top tips to support reading at home.
Monitoring & Feedback
School staff will monitor work that is completed by pupils at home each day. If a pupil has not completed their home learning on consecutive days or if school staff are concerned about the quality or amount of work a pupil has completed, parents will be contacted.
School staff will respond to work and give feedback on a daily basis. If work is completed after the end of the school day, staff will provide feedback on the next school day.
Support for those without digital devices
We are aware that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home, we will therefore endeavour to support this in any way that we can. We have a number of allocated laptops that are loaned out to pupils to support them with remote learning.
If you require any support accessing remote learning, please contact the school office by telephone on 01226742172, or via email at
Support for pupils who have additional needs
We are fully aware that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote learning alone and will require support from an adult at home. We will work with families, as best we can, to provide the additional support that you may need.
As would happen in school, class teachers will continue to provide opportunities for a more personalised approach to the child's learning for all groups of children, including SEND, so that activities are suitable to their abilities and support their learning. If you require any further support on this, please do not hesitate to contact us further.
Please remember to get in touch if we can help support your child with remote learning.