Week 8
Well done class 3 for fantastic behaviour on our school trip to Magna, you were all amazing! Lots of learning about our topic and we even had time to visit the adventure playground.
Week 7
Well done class 4 and 5 for delivering a wonderful child led worship session, class 3 have enjoyed talking about what it means to have a 'kind heart'. Also a fantastic well done for this young lady receiving her pen licence today, the first in the class!
Week 6
This week we have been exploring different kinds of packages so we can get ready to design and make a package for a firework, which links with our class book 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'. We disassemble boxes so we could look at the net of each shape then we got into teams to make our own 3D shapes from nets.
Week 5
This week we have been continuing to read our class book 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'. As well as reading the chapters in class we have also enjoyed doing drama to understand how the characters feel and act.
Week 4
This week we have been using ICT to create these amazing volcano pictures. Also in whole class reading we have been enjoying our class story about 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'.
Week 2
This week we have had our first Ukulele lesson with Mr Kelly which all the children enjoyed. We also had our first PE lesson with Mr Henry, Class 3 worked really well in teams and developed their passing techniques. In Maths we have been learning about place value and playing games to support our understanding. Well done Class 3!
Week 1
Welcome back to school everyone we hope you have all had a wonderful, restful Summer. We have had a lovely first week together, everyone has worked hard and settled in well. In RE we have been looking at Jesus' family tree and comparing it to ours. In ICT we have been learning about cyber-bullying, the children impressed all the adults with their knowledge and understanding of this subject.