Spring 2 week 2
This week we celebrated 6 birthdays at Sacred Heart - we wish you all the best and hope you all had a Wonderful day. We also celebrate a great footballing achievement from a KS2 pupil whose team came 2nd in a recent match. Well done everyone!
Spring 2, week 1
This week we celebrated 6 birthdays in school across the key stages, we wish you all many happy returns. As well as this, we have a KS1 boy who received a golden trophy for skill development at boxing. Brilliant work!
Week 6
This week we celebrated 5 birthdays at Sacred Heart throughout both key stages. We also celebrated a KS2 pupil achieving a 3rd place at a dance competition at Blackpool tower, she completed sequence dances. Meanwhile, 2 pupils in class 3 achieve there pen licenses whilst a KS1 pupil achieved a super medal for party dancing. Finally, one child accidentally swallowed her first tooth eating sausages and wanted to share the letter from the tooth fairy. - well done Sacred Heart.
Week 5
This week we say well done to a KS1 swimmer who achieved her stage 2 and was able to successfully blow bubbles under water, meanwhile a KS2 pupil achieved her stage 10 swimmer award and is now moving up to her challenge awards. We also celebrate a KS1 child scoring 2 goals at football and gaining a gold medal.
Finally, well done to the children who took place in the inter school sports competition this week, they all proved to be great sportsmen and women, showing great team skills and tried their best in all competitions. Well done Sacred Heart!
Week 4
This week we celebrated 4 birthdays in school and hope you all had wonderful and special days. We also celebrate a KS2 pupil gaining 3 trophies for dance, a bronze trophy for Jive, a gold trophy for Cha Cha and Tap, and a silver trophy for Waltz and Quick Step. Brilliant News keep up the hard work and we are super proud of you!
Spring 1 - week 3
This week we celebrated 2 children (1 KS1 and 1 KS2) achieving certificates for hard work in swimming. The KS1 pupil received a stage 1 badge and certificate for pool safety in and out of the pool, whilst the KS2 pupil achieved a medal for their swimming achievement in all four strokes.
We also had 3 birthdays this week as well as a KS2 child receiving a certificate for passing their music exam for the Clarinet. Well done Sacred Heart!
Spring 1- Week 1
This week we celebrate a KS1 pupil and a KS2 child both receiving medals for 3rd place in swimming galas. Well done girls!
Week 6 - Out of school celebrations
We didn't have any children with birthdays this week, however we did have one KS2 pupil who achieved a certificate for completing a dancing competition as part of a group Well done!
Well done to all the children who worked hard both in and out of school to complete Times Tables Rock Stars - you earnt a fabulous certificate and a place on the TTRS school challenge awards list for our school.
Well done to a KS2 pupil for achieving stage 7 in her swimming. Great hard work shown this week- keep it up!
Week 1 - Autumn term 2
Well done to a KS2 pupil who received two trophies for ballroom dancing at National competitions in Blackpool. We also celebrate 3 KS1 children who have gained swimming certificates this week and a KS2 child who earned his yellow belt in martial arts. A big well done to a KS1 girl who scored 4 goals and a trophy at her last football match. Brilliant!
Week 8
This week we celebrated a KS1 child achieving a swimming certificate and badge for their outstanding achievement in swimming. We also celebrated 6 birthdays this week, throughout all of school. Finally, a huge well done to the nursery children who achieved 'Outstanding' for their behaviour, willingness to help others, sharing and caring. Well Done Sacred Heart!
Week 4
Well done to our little fish in school who have achieved their Silver Dolphin Award - Brilliant effort and news!
We also celebrate our Under 9's external boys football players who won a huge trophy in their latest competition.
Finally, a big well done to our KS2 cheerleaders for their dedication to the sport, it has paid off with a variety of medals.
A huge congratulations to everyone who has tried hard in all their extra curricular activities - you are doing brilliantly!
Week 3
One of our Year 2 girls has been showing off her swimming skills and she has been awarded her Dolphin 7 swimming award and her 200m swimming award. Well done you super-swimmer!
Week 2
Well done to one of our Key Stage 2 Dancers who won 6 trophies at her Ballroom dancing and Tango competitions last weekend... Keep dancing!
Also, huge congratulations to five children who completed the local library challenge at Goldthorpe Library and received a Space certificate for reading 6 books in 6 weeks. The children were invited to attend an awards ceremony at the library where Councillor Nobel presented the certificates.
Week 1
This week, we are able to celebrate one very proud 'star of the week' in Class 2. We also celebrate with one of our Key Stage 2 girls earning a place within a local swimming club after enduring gruelling tryouts. She now has the opportunity to compete against other swimmers throughout the country, for her club. Well done!.
We also celebrate and welcome several new starters today and look forward to watching them flourish within the school. A big welcome to all of our new starters and their families!
Congratulations to all of the children who completed the Barnsley library Summer Holiday Reading Challenge!
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