
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Class 5

Welcome to Class 5 where we aim to be the very best we can be, celebrate our successes and learn from our mistakes. We love learning and having fun together.

PE - Our PE Days are Monday/Wednesday (alternating each week to allow us to have some sessions with our PE specialist) and Tuesday (Every week). In Class 5 children should bring their PE kits on Monday and leave them in school until Friday in case we need to change our PE day.

Homework - Homework will go out every week on a Friday and is due back in the following Wednesday, in most cases this will include a piece of literacy, numeracy and spelling and will be completed online, if online access is an issue please speak to Miss Connell. We also use Time Table Rock Stars in our class and should use this as regularly as possible in addition to weekly homework.


What Are We Learning?


Please see each terms page for more detailed medium-term plans.

Literacy - We will be developing our reading and writing skills linked to our class book The Nowhere Emporium and will be developing our understanding of discussion texts and newspaper writing.

Maths -  Our topics in maths is fractions, decimals & percentages. We will be learning about converting between each of these and finding percentages and fractions of amounts.

Geography - In Geography we will be starting to learn about the United Kingdom with a focus on Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland for this half term. We will be developing our understanding of the physical features of geography and maps linking our learning to Snowdonia National Park.

Our enquiry question is: How do we impact our natural world and is it sustainable?

Science- This term we are learning about Ainmals including Humans and we will be finding out about the reproductive cycles and circulatory systems.

RE - Our topics this term are Unity, Death & New Life and Witnesses. We will also be focusing on the special season of Lent. 

Design Technology - This half term we will be taking part in a food technology unit and designing a menu for a three-course meal.

Computing -  Our focus in computing will be on blogging and learning the skills that a blogger might use.

Spanish - In Spanish we will be developing our knowledge of vocabulary around food, colours, shopping and revising what we know about dates, days and numbers.

PE - In PE we will be learning about golf & hockey.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.