
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn 2

Week 4 - 27th November


This week one of our favourite activities has been the pegs and boards.  We have used the pegs to create patterns and also explore the concept of number quantity.  

On Friday, Father Declan came into school to bless our Advent Wreaths.  Next week we will begin to light the candles.  The four candles represent, hope, peace, joy and love.  

Week 3 - 20th November


This week we have enjoyed our new nursery rhyme song, 5 currant buns.  In Maths we sang the song everyday and then on Friday we followed the recipe  to bake our own currant buns.  They tasted delicious!

This week was Road Safety Week.  To help us learn all about how to be safe near the road, Mrs Blakemore showed us some Road Safety videos.  We loved the hedgehog campaign and learnt that we need to "Stop, Look, Listen and Think!".  When you need to cross the road you need to find a safe place to cross.  Don't cross behind parked cars because you might not be seen.  At night we need to wear bright clothes so we can be seen easily.  


We used clay to make our own hedgehogs and told our own Road Safety messages to our friends.  In PE, we played the traffic light game to remind us all about Road Safety.

In collective worship this week we thought about our virtue, Hope.  We listened to the story of The Blind Man.  We all were amazed by this miracle.  We thought about the importance of believing in God and following his important messages from the Bible. 

Week 2 - 13th November


This week has been a very busy week for Nursery.  The week began with the start of World Nursery Rhyme Week. Each day we have learnt a new nursery rhyme.  On Monday we learnt Jack and Jill. Throughout the week we continued to learn, Head, shoulders, knees and toes, The Wheels on the Bus, Hickory Dickory and Row, row, row your boat.   We loved joining Class 1 for our daily practice session.  Our favourite part of WNRW was definitely performing for all our grown ups.  Thank you so much to everyone who came to support us, we hope you enjoyed the show. 

On Wednesday it was Positive Noticing Day.  This morning was filled with catching children doing the right thing and marking it with positive acknowledgment.  The aim of the day is not just to focus on kindness but to it helps to teach positive behaviour.  It helps to build self-esteem and confidence. Why not try this at home.  Use the link for more details. 

If the week wasn’t busy enough, it was also Anti-bullying week. To acknowledge this we thought about kindness and how we can be a good friend.  We created a friendship heart and pledge to be kind, caring and thoughtful towards each other.  Mrs Blakemore and Mrs Pratt have both commented on how we have kept this promise.  As they have looked around and watched us in provision they have seen how well we are getting along.  Many friendships have formed and we are a pleasure to be around.  

Week 1 - 6th November


It has been a fantastic week back in school.  All the children had lots of news about their week off with their families. 

This week we have spent lots of time talking about our experiences of Bonfire Night.  We learnt about the tradition of Bonfire night and how it all started when Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament.  We created our own Bonfire artwork with beautiful bright coloured fireworks.  

We practised our mark making skills using rainbow rice and sand.  We explored creating different patterns and lines, some of us even drew pictures of fireworks in the sand.  It was lots of fun!

In PE this week our session was called “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, we had lots of fun singing the song and then using the named body parts to travel around the space. It was interesting to learn new names for the different parts of our bodies.  Why not help me to learn the different body parts by playing “Head, shoulders, knees and toes” or “Simon says point to your…”at home.  

This week we have started to learn about Remembrance Day.  We know it is a time to remember the brave soldiers that have fought in the war.  We learnt about the significance of the poppy.  We enjoyed watching the CBeebies video of Remembrance.  We created our our poppies to show our respect.  

In our class liturgy we also thought about the importance of remembrance. We thought about the loved one we have lost and shared happy memories of them.  

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.