Welcome to Class 4, a mixed class of both year 4 and 5 pupils. This year our first topic will be investigate the question "Is crime something new?"
Details of home learning ideas and further parent information can be found on the documents below.
Children will need to bring PE kits every Monday and leave in school until Friday, PE days will be Tuesday and Thursday with myself, Mr Kynock or Mr Johnson.
Homework will go out every Wednesday and is expected to be returned on the following Monday. Homework will include: times tables practice, 20 minutes reading daily at home, a literacy challenge and a maths challenge. Children are also asked to choose from the list of topic homework listed below.
Children in year 4 will take part in swimming lessons (date to be confirmed) after Christmas and they will last for 14 weeks. It is compulsary for children to take part in these lessons.
Please feel free to ask any questions or come and see me if you have any concerns.