
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School


If you are worried or concerned for yourself, or someone else please use the appropriate contacts below:
Where you believe there is immediate risk of significant harm the police should be contacted on 999.
IDAS Helpline - 03000 110 110 -IDAS
Childline - - 0800 1111
Contact a school safeguarding lead
Barnsley social services - Are you worried about a child? (
There is also family support counselling offered from the Diocese. Should you require this please contact school for further information.


Safeguarding is Everyone's Responsibility


Corpus Christi Federation Leaders ensure all staff have up to date training for Safeguarding and Prevent.


We have a nominated Governor who works closely with the Safeguarding Team.


Each year, the school receives training on any updates to the DfE Keeping Children Safe in Education Document.


Do you have a safeguarding concern?


If you have any safeguarding concerns regarding a pupil at St Michaels, please send your name and a contact telephone number to


A member of the safeguarding team will contact you as soon as possible to discuss any concerns.

Please do not explain the concerns in the email.


You can also contact the school on 01226 752120


Where you believe there is immediate risk of significant harm the police should be contacted on 999

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.