Another super week with class 1! It has been a busy week learning our doubles to 10 and beyond (using our fingers to support was a handy hint!)
We have been working hard to create sentences using correct punctuation as it is so important to crack the basics in our writing.
To support independent writing I sent some interesting books home with each child to help encourage them to share stories.
What a fabulous week, it was lovely to see so many of you at our class assembly, we have been working hard on our class story 'Peace at Last'.
As part of this topic during our buddy time with class 5 we used Purple Mash to create pictures with 2paint.
What a super week Class 1 have enjoyed a special musical visitor, Callum, who has helped us learn interesting rhythms! I wonder if you can guess which famous rhythm we were working hard to master.
We have been working hard this week and have used all our creative workshop resources! Should you have any tubes or pots they would be welcome. We are also going to be creating a 'Pots and Pans' band outside so if you have any old pans, metal lids or trays please could you add them to our collection outside the classroom door.
Our literacy text was a rhyming book about sounds underground and we are writing our own poems about sounds above the ground. Please talk with your child about sounds they can hear around them.
Another fun week with class 1!
We have enjoyed our rhyming text and have been thinking about sounds we like, and those we don't! We have been using our knowledge of sounds to write captions and sentences. We are beginning to think about our class assembly...
Please continue to read regularly with your child and complete activities with tricky words!