Well Year 6 the time has come once again to say goodbye to each other. This year has been unlike any other year we have experienced in school and it has meant that we have had much less time together than we deserved and that you have sadly missed some of the brilliant experiences which you should have had such as your residential trip, end of year performance and leavers end of year party.
One of the things I have missed most about how we have had to change the end of our year is not being able to write individual messages to each of you with my observations, advice and random quotes to try and inspire you. Writing an individual message to an entire class is much more difficult but I am determined to give it a try.
When I looked back through the pictures to create your end of year video I realised that actually as a year group you have had lots of great experiences and made some amazing friends along the way.
You are all wonderfully unique children with skills and talents in many different areas. You are wonderful, resilient and hard working children and I know that as you move forward into the next stage of your education you will continue to demonstrate all the skills that you have developed in your time at St Michaels.
As a class you have embodied change, with people joining and leaving regularly throughout the years, but the thing that inspires me most is about you all is how you instantly try to make people feel welcome and form fast friendships which in some cases last even after that person has left our class. These friendships and bonds that you have formed will help you and the lessons that you have learned will guide you as you move on.
While it may be natural to be sad and worried about moving on to secondary school and leaving behind the comfort and familiarity of St Michaels remember 2 things: Firstly we are a family and no matter where you go or what you do we are always here to support you in those adventures. Secondly remember, in the words of a great philosopher and adventurer
"Everything’s got to end sometime. Otherwise nothing would ever get started" - 11th Doctor (Doctor Who)
While your time at St Michaels may be ending your next big adventure at secondary school is just getting started. Good luck in everything you do Year 6.
Now go and be amazing!