Week 7
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week.
This week, Class 3 have finished reading Harriet Versus the Galaxy. In this week’s chapters, Harriet, Gran and Robin take on a variety of different Muncha aliens to save the planet. Children have explored essential VIPERS skills, focusing particularly on inference, retrieval, explanation and summary.
In Literacy this week, Class 3 have explored irregular past tense verbs, along with writing in the first person to recap key features of a diary entry. This week, we have written our very own diary entry about a beach experience that children have had previously. We discussed irregular past tense verbs and exciting adjectives to improve our writing.
In Maths, Class 3 have worked on adding and subtracting masses, along with exploring tenths and hundredths for year four children. Children have worked hard to convert differing masses, such as grams and kilograms, as well as recapping prior learning such as column addition and subtraction. Year four children have converted tenths and hundredths to fractions and decimals.
In ICT this week, we have replied to a very important email from the queen herself, seeking essential online safety advice. The children discussed the importance of emails not always being sent from who someone may claim to be, such as the queen, along with sharing key information with others about online safety.
In Geography this week, children have continued to explore the local history of our area and have started to compare our local area to an urban area, such as Sheffield. Children have explored physical and human features within both areas, along with population, pollution, opportunities for vegetation and differing types of buildings within alternative areas.
Well done Class 3, you have worked very hard this term!
Week 6
Well done Class 3 for yet another great week of hard work.
This week, Class 3 have continued to read Harriet Versus the Galaxy. Children have read chapters 10 and 11 this week, in which Harriet’s friend Robin discovered Sock Muncha the alien and another Muncha alien stole Grans pants! This week, children have explored essential VIPERS skills, focussing particularly on inference, retrieval and explanation.
In Literacy this week, Class 3 have finished writing their very own narratives inspired by our focus book ‘At the Beach’. Children have shown great creativity and imagination during this piece of writing, including pirates, treasure, sharks and other intriguing ideas within their stories.
In Maths, Class 3 have continued exploring fractions. This week, we have explored tenths and hundredths. In addition to this, we have also revisited mass, focusing particularly on grams and kilograms. Children have completed simple addition and subtraction whilst converting the value of differing masses to grams and kilograms.
In ICT this week, we have explored using 2Email on Purple Mash, along with 2Quiz. Class 3 completed an email safety quiz and used this as inspiration to create their very own email safety quiz for peers within the class. Children discussed things like sharing personal information online, keeping passwords safe and only talking to people that they know.
In Geography this week, children have explored a local study of Goldthorpe and it’s mining history. Next week, we will compare our rural village to the urban city of Sheffield and explore the differing human and physical features within both areas.
Lastly, I would like to say well done to Class 3 for showing great resilience and determination throughout assessment week this week!
Have a great weekend.
Week 5
Well done Class 3 for all of your efforts this week.
This week, we have continued reading Harriet Versus the Galaxy. Children have read chapters 7, 8 and 9 this week, in which Harriet is set a mission to return all Munchas to their home planet. Class 3 have developed VIPERS skills throughout the week, focusing particularly on inference, explanation and summary.
In Literacy this week, Class 3 have continued reading our focus book, At the Beach. This week, children have used the story mountain model to look at 5 key points within a narrative, the beginning, build up, dilemma, resolution and ending, using this to planning their own stories.
In Maths, Class 3 have continued exploring fractions. This week, we have explored tenths and decimals. Children have worked hard to convert fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions. Children have shown great resilience and determination this week.
In Science this week, Class 3 completed an investigation using food colouring to see how water is absorbed and transported through a plants stem. Children watched a video to show how food colouring can change the colour of white petals – therefore analysing the process of how water travels through a plant.
In ICT this week, we have explored using 2Email on Purple Mash. Children have learnt how to open, reply to, compose and send an email to friends about how to use emails safely. We discussed communicating with people we know and trust, along with talking to a responsible adult if we are unsure.
Well done Class 3! Have a lovely weekend.
Week 4
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week.
This week, we have continued to read Harriet Versus the Galaxy. Children have read chapters 5 and 6 this week, in which Harriet discovers that her Gran is an SAS operative working with the aliens. Class 3 have developed VIPERS skills throughout the week, focussing particularly on inference, explanation and retrieval.
In Literacy this week, Class 3 have read further into our focus book, At the Beach. This week, we have created a story board to tell our own story including a beach setting. Children have used the story mountain model to look at 5 key points within a narrative, the beginning, build up, dilemma, resolution and ending.
In Maths, Class 3 have continued exploring fractions. This week, we have continued looking at adding and subtracting fractions. Children have applied their addition and subtraction knowledge to solve multiple step problems. We have also further explored our understanding of equivalent fractions, using our multiplication and division knowledge to support this.
In Science this week, Class 3 completed a flow chart to identify plants. Children had to answer yes or no questions when identifying key features of a plant. Children have also completed a nature walk this week, identifying plants within our school grounds by investigating varying leaf shapes and features.
In ICT this week, we have explored using 2Email on Purple Mash. Children have learnt how to open, reply to, compose and send an email. Children shared their favourite jokes with friends, their favourite hobbies and things they had done at the weekend. We also recapped online safety and how to stay safe online – particularly when emailing.
In Geography this week, Class 3 have continued exploring the importance of global warming. Children have completed posters to share their concerns of global warming and inform people how to help. Children also completed a comprehension task about Greta Thunberg, a very influential figure who hugely supports the promotion of how to prevent climate change around the world.
Well done Class 3! Have a great weekend.
Week 3
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week.
This week, we have continued to read Harriet Versus the Galaxy. Children have read chapters 3 and 4 this week, in which Harriet tries her best to hide the alien, Sock Muncha. Class 3 have developed VIPERS skills throughout the week, focussing particularly on inference.
In Literacy this week, Class 3 finished writing their persuasive hotel advertisements in best. Children presented their work, using their loud and proud voices and peer assessed each other’s work. Children identified two strengths within their writing and one area of improvement for the next time we visit this writing style.
In Maths, Class 3 have studied fractions. This week, we have continued to explore finding a fraction of an amount, along with adding and subtracting fractions. Children have applied their addition and subtraction knowledge to solve problems.
In Science this week, Class 3 observed plant growth and changes from last weeks experiment of growing plants in differing conditions. Children identified changes to the colour of the plant, the height of the plant and the appearance of the stem. Children justified whether their plant was healthy or unhealthy by using key scientific vocabulary.
In PSHE this week, we discussed resolving conflict and ways in which we can do this. In groups, children studied a variety of scenarios and ways that they think these scenarios could be resolved. We emphasised the importance of talking about our feelings, how our actions can affect the feelings of others and why it is important to resolve challenges that we face.
In Geography this week, Class 3 researched the environmental issue of global warming. Children explored what global warming is, causes of global warming, what happens because of it and what we can do to help. Following this, children made a poster to share their knowledge and understanding of global warming, promoting recycling, alternative transport to cars and the impact of deforestation.
Well done Class 3!
Have a fantastic weekend.
Week 2
Well done Class 3 for working very hard this week.
This week, we have continued to read Harriet Versus the Galaxy. Children have read chapter 2, in which Harriet talked to the alien Sock Muncha about life on other planets. Class 3 have developed our inference, explanation and summary skills this week.
In Literacy this week, we have identified the key features of persuasive writing to create a European hotel advertisement. This linking closely with our Geography study of Europe. Class 3 have researched a European country of their choice, and explored exciting adjectives and connectives to include within their plan.
In Maths, Class 3 have continued working with fractions. This week, we have explored finding a fraction of an amount and equivalent fractions. We discussed our prior knowledge of multiplication and division to support our understanding of fractions this week.
In Science this week, Class 3 have launched an investigation to see if a plant can grow with or without the essentials, such as water, light and heat. Children worked in groups to plant cress seeds and choose a location for their plant to grow, such as on the windowsill, in a cupboard or even in the fridge.
In PSHE this week, we discussed friends, family and others. In groups, children explored who they would class as a friend, who is family to them and individuals that may come in the ‘other’ category. Children shared their understanding of trusting people and what a good relationship looks like.
In Geography this week, we studied the infamous Mount Vesuvius in Italy. Children completed a reading comprehension task, followed by identifying the key features of a volcano. Children also identified new vocabulary of active, dormant and extinct volcanoes.
Well done Class 3!
Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend.
Week 1
Class 3 have had a great first week back starting the spring 2 term.
This week, we have started reading our new Guided Reading book ‘Harriet Versus the Galaxy’. So far, the children have found out that Harriet has discovered a strange alien under her bed. The alien’s name is sock muncha and of course he likes to eat socks.
In Literacy this week, we have looked at our new focus book ‘At the Beach’ by Ronald Harvey. Our first discovery within this book is that postcards are written throughout. That being said, our first piece of focus writing is going to be a postcard. We have studied writing in the present tense, along with conjunctions this week.
In Maths, children have started looking at fractions. We have explored both unit and non-unit fractions, along with making a whole. Children have also explored the mathematical language of numerator and denominator when studying tenths and hundredths.
In Science this week, Class 3 have explored the water cycle, linking closely to our Geography work of studying rivers within Europe. The children have used key vocabulary such as evaporation, condensation and precipitation.
In Geography this week, we have explored physical geographical features within Europe such as volcanoes, rivers, mountains and earth quakes. The children explored key locations, names and the height of these formations.
In ICT this week, we discussed differing types of communication. We discussed text, calls, email, letters and many more ways to communicate. In addition to this, we talked about the advantages and disadvantages to these forms of communication before we start our Email unit next week.
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Have a fantastic weekend.