
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring 1

Week 3


Week 3 has been another jam-packed week in Class 5! In maths, we are coming to the end of our work with fractions and have looked at finding fractions of amounts and using that skill within reasoning questions too.


In geography, we focused on rivers and seas. We used atlases to locate the main seas that surround the UK, and identify some of the major rivers in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


In PE, we've continued our gymnastics unit for this half term, and have been perfecting forward, backward and straddle rolls. We worked on being able to have the balance to start and end our forward and backward rolls in standing positions.

My Movie.mp4

Still image for this video

Week 2

Class 5 have had another busy week! Our fraction work continued in maths and we learnt how to multiply and divide with fractions. Now we've got skills with all four operations linked to fractions.


We started a new unit in Literacy, looking at balanced arguments. We've been exploring this text type and looking at the grammar features it has to help us learn how to write one.

We also started our new song in music, "Stop!" which is an anti-bullying rap. We've been working hard to learn all the lyrics!


Week 1


We've had a great start to 2022 in Class 5! Despite feeling a bit tired on Wednesday, we got straight into things and nailed our work on fractions. We've focused on adding and subtracting mixed number fractions with different denominators - tough stuff!


In Literacy, we've worked on writing instructions and have linked them to moments in our own lives where we used a growth mindset to become better at a skill and not give up.


In our afternoons, we discovered a bit more about our upcoming science unit and our geography topic too. Our geography work will focus on the UK and the question that will lead us through our topic is, "Are all parts of the United Kingdom the same and what makes us united?" Everyone wrote down their first thoughts about this question and we've added them to our class display. We'll keep coming back to it and seeing if any of our views change as we learn more!


One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.